Page 62 of Playing My Rivals

It’s Saturday and the day I’ll find out if Hunter is capable of forgiveness. I didn’t sleep a wink, playing tug of war with my sheets as I tossed and turned.

I’ve gone back and forth with my therapist on ways to tell him the truth, but nothing seems to land perfectly. I suck in a deep breath to calm my shaking legs. My head pounds and my stomach is in such knots that I’m close to vomiting.

The wind blows my hair, so I pull it over my shoulder and hold it as I trek to his complex. My heart rate speeds up with each step I take.

We’ve briefly talked by text while he’s been away, but haven’t brought up anything about our relationship. I only know he’s getting home from his trip in about ten minutes. I get lightheaded just thinking about seeing him and coming clean.

There’s an older man holding the door for me to go into the building.

I step in around him and fake a smile. “Thanks.”

“My pleasure.”

Jamison comes toward me as soon as he sees me. “Are you ready for this?”

“No, but it’s the best thing to do.” I meet him near the lobby desk, tugging on my clothes in order to dissipate my nervousness.

He tells the door watchman that I’m there to visit him, so I don’t have to sign in. Thank God, because I’m sure my handwriting would be a dead giveaway that I’m about to pass out.

“How do you want this to go down?” Jamison gestures to a sitting area in the lobby that gives us a perfect view of the road through the glass windows. “Let’s go over there and wait for Hunter.”

I nod and move in that direction. “Let me lead the conversation. Since you haven’t seen him since I told him about you giving me the necklace, I’m not sure how well he’ll respond to you.”

Jamison gets ready to sit but stops himself when Hunter’s car pulls up to the building. “We’ll find out soon enough.”

The driver opens Hunter’s door. My throat tightens the second he steps out of the car and comes into view.

“Here’s hoping I can get through this without crumbling.” I pace in a small back-and-forth line while Hunter gathers his bags. “I didn't think I’d be this nervous.”

“Really?” Jami glances at me. “You’re doing better than I expected.”

“You can’t see my blood racing.” I swallow as Hunter comes through the door.

He notices us instantly. His gaze travels between Jami and me, his expression unreadable.

Knowing what has to be done, I stride toward him. “Hi, Hunter. Can we talk?”

“Can’t say I’m surprised to find you two together.” He stops before me. “It is surprising you’re out in the open for me to see.”

Jamison comes up behind me but doesn’t say anything. Hunter eyes Jami and as soon as his gaze lands on him, Hunter’s body flexes.

I glance over my shoulder to spy Jamison standing with his bulging arms over his puffed-out chest, holding Hunter’s stare. God, they’re starting to hate each other.

“We wanted to speak to you together.” I gaze back at Hunter. “Will you please hear us out?”

“A sneak attack. I should’ve known that was your plan when you asked what time I’d be getting home today.” His expression remains stone-cold.

“Please listen. It’s not like that, but you deserve to hear the truth from both of us.” I motion to the sitting area. “Will you give us a few minutes to hear us out?”

He inhales a deep breath. His jaw ticks as he considers it. He looks us over, then rolls his eyes.

“You have my attention.” He marches off to the chairs.

Jami and I glance at each other and follow. He’s considerate enough to follow a few steps behind me. I’m sure Hunter’s noticed and I’m hoping that will cool his attitude toward Jami.

We gather and sit in the chairs. It’s neutral territory, which will hopefully diffuse the tension in the air. Hunter rolls his bag to the side of his chair and waits.

I take that as my cue and brace myself. “The first thing I want to say is Jamison didn’t want to go along with anything I’m about to tell you. If you need to be mad at someone once you hear the entire story, I’m the one who put this all in motion. And for that, I can’t tell you how sorry I am.”