Page 61 of Playing My Rivals

“Ugh. He’s going to lose his shit.” I rub my temples to release the stress.

She comes to the table and sits. “I know, but you’re a strong woman. Hold your head high and take back your control. Otherwise, it’s bound to blow up and it won’t be pleasant.”

“I just need some time to think. It’s obvious he knew the necklace was from Jami.” I cross my arms. “The only way Hunter would’ve figured that out is if he has cameras in the offices. Nobody knew about it but you.”

“Of course, there are cameras in our offices. That’s a no-brainer. Why he watched them is the question you need to ask yourself.” She glances over her shoulder. “Do you want something to eat or drink?”

“I can’t think of eating right now and I have too much work to do once I go home to drink any alcohol. Can I have some water?” The wind picks up and whips my hair across my face.

“Water it is, but come inside with me. It’s getting windy out here.” She pushes herself up and goes inside.

I gather my hair, bring it to one side, and follow her. “Do you think Hunter considers us broken up?”

“I would assume so, but he does seem to think he has some kind of claim to you.” She jumps over her yoga bricks that are in the middle of the floor.

I walk around her exercise equipment. “I don’t consider us together anymore, so maybe I don’t have to tell him anything.”

“Like that will stop him.” She steps into her kitchen. “One way or another, you’re going to have to let him know you lied. Besides, are you ready to stay away from him for good?”

“I don’t know. My therapist and I have been exploring my feelings for Jamison, so I’m confused.

“As far as Hunter goes, there’s a part of me that wants to get back together, but that doesn’t make up for all the changes I’d have to make to be with him. I won’t be like my mom and quit working because I’m fucking the boss.”

“I thought we weren’t going to go there. But since you did, I have to admit that I’ve thought about the similarities between your parents' relationship and yours with Hunter more than once.” She grabs two bottles of water and slides onto a stool. “You know psychologists say we tend to marry someone just like one of our parents.”

“Is that true or something you just made up? Never mind, it doesn’t matter. The fact remains that if I want to be with Hunter long-term and have a normal relationship, I have to quit or get fired.”

“You’re getting ahead of yourself. You need to talk to him first and see if he’ll even take you back.” She slides a water my way.

I pick it up and twist the lid off. “He needs to apologize for giving me an ultimatum before I’ll take him back.”

“I don’t know. You’ve been lying to him. It doesn’t give him the right, but you’re both wrong in this situation.”

I groan and sit beside her. “Once again, you’re right. The first thing I need to do is talk with Jamison and figure out a way for us to tell Hunter. Shit. Jami’s going to be so upset with me.”


“He warned me that hiding our past was a bad idea, but I panicked. I thought I could keep everything separate. How was I supposed to know they were friends who lived in the same building?” My head pounds, so I rub my temples again. I don’t think I could have messed this up more.

“The truth always prevails. At least, that’s what they say.”

“Now that one I’ve heard before.” I sigh. “I’m going to have to tell Hunter the truth. Until that happens, I need a favor from you.”

“What’s that?”

“Keep in touch with Jami and tell him my plans. Update him on my progress. With Hunter out of town all week and Jamison working from home, I don’t know when shit will go down.” My heart hammers in my chest.

“I think you’re making the right decision, but why not just talk with Jamison yourself?”

I gesture to my purse, where my phone is. “What if Jami’s right and Hunter has my phone bugged?”

She rolls her eyes. “I don’t think he has your phone bugged. It’s not that easy to do. I think your brother being an FBI agent has gotten to you.”

I huff a laugh. “You’re probably right. I’ll call Jami once I figure out how we should go about telling Hunter.”

“I know it’s going to be rough for you, but you’re doing the right thing.” She leans over and gives me a much-needed reassuring hug.

“Thanks. I need all the encouragement I can get.” I take a deep breath and pray this doesn’t backfire.