Page 12 of BaOBy

Because she was the only woman in the house who was awake, she’d moved into this smaller corner room. For one thing, it had a window that wasn’t barred. The guards thought she was too big to fit through that small opening. But she wasn’t. Not yet. But she knew that day would come.

This room also had its own shower. It was small but private. Not that the guards couldn’t break down the door if they wanted to. But the Andaran forbid them to touch her. They couldn’t tease her, torture her, or rape her. They were to leave her alone unless she tried to run. And neither the guards nor the Andaran thought her strong enough to escape.

After taking a shower, she dressed carefully. Making sure to secure the pillow around her waist and cover it with the traditional Viant pregnancy dress. This article of clothing was one of the ugliest things she’d seen, but it made her look bigger than she was.

Opening her bedroom door, she peered into the hallway. No one was moving around. The guards might be in the kitchen. Cat frowned—she couldn’t remember what day this was. They all seemed to run together. That was an important detail. The Andaran visited her every three days. She was worried today was a day of torture.

No rugs covered the hallway floors. The wood was old, polished by housekeepers that came at the end of each week. Cat didn’t wear shoes in the house because she could move far quieter in her socks—sliding across the floor.

The walls were empty of pictures and painted a tired beige. There was no color on the walls, the floor, or on any of the furniture. Everything was just a little threadbare. Jacanas refused to waste money on his throwaway wombs.

She slipped into the room next to hers and quietly shut the door. Cat tried to visit the three sleeping women every morning. She wanted to check on them. Make sure they weren’t writhing in pain. Or near delivery. A quick glance told her nothing had changed.

Cat brushed the hair out of their eyes. One woman had brown, wavy hair. The second had tight, black curls, and the third was blonde, her hair stick-straight. She’d never had a conversation with them. Never seen what color their eyes were or knew their names. But Cat still felt responsible for them.

They weren’t awake. Didn’t move. Or groan. They slept through every day, not knowing what was happening to them. Each of these women were much farther along than she was. Cat hoped the Andaran would make sure they had enough pain killer to sleep through the horror that was coming. Although she was pretty sure she was hoping in vain.

Part of Cat believed she’d be better off if she was in a drug-induced coma. That she wouldn’t have to think about what was coming. Or what could have been. Picking up the book she left in the room the day before, Catalina started reading to the three drugged women. She hoped her voice would soothe them.

An hour later…

Cat shuddered when she heard the booming demand in the Andaran’s voice. Oh, God. He was here. She slid the book under the blonde’s pillow. Knowing Jacanas would take even that small bit of comfort away if he could.

Slowly, she walked to the door. Her heart went wild, knowing there was nowhere in this house she could hide. If she were lucky, he wouldn’t be in the hallway. Quietly, she turned the knob and stepped out of the room.

Cat wasn’t lucky this time. Her heart stopped. Stuttered. And she sucked in a breath, bracing herself with a hand on the wall.

Jacanas glared at her. He was taller than her by several inches. His head looked like it was several sizes too big for his body. And it wasn’t quite round… it was more… cone-shaped at the top. His head was bald. Which left his long forehead exposed. He often covered his head with hats or the hood of his robe. Today, he wasn’t wearing a robe.

He stood in front of her. Head uncovered. Full mouth of teeth bared in a fierce smile. His black, dull skin was exposed. Oh, he had on clothes. Casual clothes which were totally out of character for this man. Normally, he dressed in royal robes. The change made her nervous. She wanted to know what he was up to.

His dark brown eyes flicked from her head to her feet. His grin was evil when he checked the size of her stomach. “What are you doing in that room?” Jacanas demanded. He stomped toward her and leered when she backed up.

Carefully, she kept her mind blank, then thought of what she’d have for breakfast. “Nothing.” She answered. “Just checking that the three are sleeping easy.”

He threw the door open and stood on the threshold, staring for a moment. Everything must have met with his approval, because he backed out of the room and closed the door. Turning back to Cat, he demanded. “Choose one.”

She frowned and cocked her head to the side. Confused. “Choose one for what?”

The slap knocked her against the wall. Cat steadied herself and straightened her spine before she covered her throbbing cheek with her right hand.

“You do not question my demand. I’ll give you one more chance. Choose one.”

Cat was pretty sure he’d kill her right now if she didn’t answer him. But it wouldn’t be the quick, painless death she longed for. She took a breath and chose. “The woman with the brown wavy hair.”

The grin on his face was anticipation, delight, and so evil. “Good. She will be our entertainment in three days. At that time, I’ll wake the woman you chose along with the raptizaer inside of her. Thay way you can study what you have to look forward to… in the flesh.”

He spun around and left.

Catalina slid to the floor, covered her face, and cried for a woman she didn’t know and couldn’t save. To hell with any promise she’d made. Cat was going to kill the Andaran the very first chance she had.

Chapter Nine


ReBorB and Cameron were already on the ground in the Violetta flower forest. His sky blue-skinned brother and his new mate stood outside the hover waiting for Bao to land the ship. They wouldn’t see the ship until it was on the ground and the door was open.

The ASC 3000 handled like a dream. The visibility from the bridge was amazing, and the ship was almost silent during the stealth takeoff and landing. It would be interesting to see the difference. What the ship sounded like when they weren’t trying to hide it.