Page 13 of BaOBy

BaOBy was the first one off the ship. He pulled Reb into his arms and thumped him on the back. “You look good. Your mate looks healthy and happy.” This was the first time he’d seen Reb’s woman. Because of injuries, the Viant doctors had shaved her scalp. She was the sister to BrOdByc’s mate. Both women had almost died. Would have died had it not been for the mating links sliding into their bodies and healing them. He didn’t think it was going to be that easy for Catalina.

“Captain, this is Cameron, my wife. She’ll also answer to Cam for short. And yes, we are happy and healthy.” They looked at each other and grinned.

Cam snorted. “Now. It was touch and go for a bit. It’s nice to meet you.”

Reb smiled down at his mate. “Isn’t it a beautiful ship? The crew’s quarters can be rearranged from single, to suites, to family units. You should go look at them and pick a room for us. I’ll get our things.”

Bao frowned. Something was up with his brother. “Park the hover in the transportation bay next to the new six-man hovers. We’ll run the maintenance program and restock it so it’s ready when we need it. Cameron, there are five floors. Starting at the bottom is floor five, it’s the transportation bay. Four is a large storage hold with several empty rooms that we have no idea what we’ll use them for. Three is where the med bay is located, and there are some crew quarters there. Two is the extensive kitchen and dining area, along with more crew quarters. One is the navigation bridge with the captain’s quarters and just a few others. You can access the short side wings from the second floor. There is a game room and observation area on one side and what I believe is a large area for hydroponic gardens on the other. The ship has the ability to cloak the top floors and allow visibility for the bottom level. We’ll use that feature during the day so the ASX can’t be seen above the flowers.”

Cam’s smile was real. “My sister is a chef. She’ll be crazy about the garden and kitchen.” She frowned. “Did Reb tell you I was a nurse on Earth?”

Bao nodded. He was counting on this woman’s knowledge, but he wouldn’t put pressure on her now.

“Isn’t that cool that Reb is your doctor, and he ended up mated to a nurse? I think I’ll figure out where the med bay is and pick a room that nearby.” She stood on her toes and kissed Reb on the cheek, and waved to Bao before she dashed off.

As soon as she was out of sight, Bao turned to Reb. “What is wrong?”

Reb sighed. “Nothing really. Cam hasn’t been able to talk to her sister yet. When we have the call in thirty minutes, that will be the first time they have seen each other since before they were kidnapped. Cam’s nervous and emotional.”

Frowning, Bao shook his head. “Kack. That won’t work. Both women will be distracted if we don’t give them time first. I’ll get in touch with BrOdByc and have him bring Casey to the deck before the call with the Father. Have Cam on our deck in ten minutes. I just need to check with Jay.”

Reb grinned and ran to take care of the hover and then get his mate.

Bao walked out into the flowers a few feet in, so that he’d have some privacy. He was worried about Cat. He wanted to talk to Jay. Most of the time, it was very handy that the brothers were connected. Not just to each other, but to the ship as well. When they were close enough, communication was a simple thought. They could each have private thoughts—the intimate moments with his mate would always be private. But the brothers were used to sharing almost everything. Which meant twenty minds worked together to solve any problem.

With the ship orbiting the planet, he didn’t have the option of sharing Cat’s problem with anyone on the DoMicile. And he hadn’t shared all her issues with those surrounding him. This call was going to be difficult. Before he went in, he just wanted some reassurance that Catalina was okay.

Communication on an individual basis was just as easy as sharing with everyone. Only if Bao needed to speak to Jay, he concentrated on the color of his brother’s flesh. When Bao could see a dark purple orb that matched his brother’s skin tone, then the connection was made.

‘JayBOrB? How is she?’ he didn’t waste time.

Jay waited a few moments before answering him. ‘It’s been a rough day for her. She couldn’t sleep. Then she went to check on the other women and the Andaran visited. Cat wouldn’t tell me what he said. I could hear him shouting at her, but they were in the center of the house and I didn’t understand the words.’

His brother fell silent for a moment, as if trying to decide what else to say. Or not say.

‘Just tell me.’

He felt Jay take a breath. ‘She came to the window when I called and I could see he hit her. She has been in bed since then. I know that physically she is all right, but she’s crying.’

Bao’s heart jumped. ‘Is Jacanas still there?’

‘No. He was only in the house for a few minutes. He left… and I followed him for a bit. Making sure he wasn’t headed for his spaceport. I’ll tell you about that later. It can wait. It will be a few hours before she can sneak out. The guards are just making dinner.’ Jay reminded him. ‘She might be too upset to come to you,’ he warned.

‘Then I’ll come to her. I’ll go in and make the call. One brother will hold a connection with you so you hear everything. When it’s finished, I’ll relieve you.’

He wouldn’t let her be alone tonight with her thoughts of dying and seeking revenge. He didn’t know what happened today, and he didn’t believe he’d have answers for her yet. But he could hold her when she cried.


Cameron sat in the captain’s chair flanked by Reb, Bao, and, once again, everyone but Jay. When the large monitor flickered, they caught glimpses of Casey sitting in the same place on the DoMicile’s bridge.

To keep the call from being traced, Reb initiated communication from the ASC. Bao noticed Cameron vibrate with anxiety. She was nearly bouncing in her seat.

Within seconds, the main screen showed Casey sitting on the DoMicile bridge, flanked by BrOdByc and TaBOBy.

Both women gasped. With tears running down her face, Cameron leaned forward. When they each reached out a hand and touched the screen as if they could touch each other, everyone in the room struggled with their emotions. For long moments, neither woman spoke.

Casey broke the silence when she whispered, “They shaved your head.”