Page 10 of Return of the Alpha

“Can we talk?”

“I honestly don’tfeel like it. Besides, what is there to say?”

She sighs beforewalking into my kitchen and taking a seat at the little table inthe breakfast nook. I love my house. When I got here, everythingwas painted white, but I have slowly been making it my own. Thekitchen walls are now painted a soft pale yellow, and I have lacecurtains covering the windows.

She waits patientlyfor me to join her. With a huff I stride across the tiled floor andplop down in one of the chairs.

“I know this isoverwhelming,” Peyton says. “But we are all here for you. Wethought giving you time and allowing you to tell us about youranimal in your own time was the right thing to do. I can see themistake now.”

My anger deflateswith her words and the way she looks at me. I know none of themembers in this pack meant to cause me any harm.

“I was afraid if you… if the pack … found out, I would be forced to leave,” I saysoftly, staring at my hands. “I don’t want to leave.”

“I’m sorry,” shereplies taking one of my hands in hers. “I know there are manypacks that don’t allow other species in, but we aren’t like them.You are a valued member of this pack. Just because you’re a big fatcat doesn’t mean we like you any less.”

I can’t help butlaugh at her words or the way she wrinkles her nose.

“Thank you. “Foreverything,” I say. “Also, not fat.”

“Enough of thissadness and anger,” Peyton says, waving her hand through the airdismissively. “You said something about a birthday?”

“Shit. I didn’t tellanyone.”

“Why not?” she asksloudly.

“I don’t know,” Ireply with a shrug. “It’s never been a thing. I’ve always beenalone on my birthday.”

She frowns beforehugging me from the side. “You’re not alone anymore. And part ofthat is celebrating your birthday with your friends.” I stare ather in confusion. “We are going out tonight. Get ready, we’ll pickyou up in an hour.”

“What?” I ask,confusion coating my words.

Peyton is already upand moving. “Just do what I say. We’re going to have some fun.”

Chapter Five


I think Caine givesmy daughter too much leeway, not that I would say it out loud. Shedoes and says whatever she pleases, and he simply smiles. In thefew hours I have been here, he hasn’t said no to her once and nowshe is taking my mate out. I couldn’t believe Caine was so calmabout the entire situation.

“Will you pleasestop pacing?” Max, one of the other males asks. “They only leftfive minutes ago. They haven’t even made it to town yet.”

“I can’t believe youare all being so calm about this!” I throw my hands in the air, myfrustration reaching its peak.

All the men stare atme. Each of the men sitting here is mated to one of the women thathas gone into town for drinking and dancing with my daughter and mymate. My unclaimed mate.

“It’s her birthday,”Calum, Caine’s brother, says. “She has had a rough go of it foryears and deserves to have some fun.”

“Besides, we knowthe guy who owns and operates the only bar in town. The moment theywalk in we will know about it,” Max adds. “Once in a while they goto the bar and have fun. That’s it.”

“There are huntersout there for God’s sake!”

“Not within afifty-mile radius of Katu Falls. We monitor the area,” Maxsays.

I glare at him. “Youthink you have this all under control?”

“I know we do.” Heleans forward with a smirk. “We have been doing this for a while,old man.”

I want to punch himin the face just to see if he will challenge me. Not that itmatters, I can feel the Alpha energy rolling off him.