Page 11 of Return of the Alpha


Caine stands staringat us like an impatient father trying to corral his waywardchildren. “Not one of us is willing to stand up to our women whenthey set their minds to something. But not a single one of us willever put our mate at risk,” he says, before turning his gaze to me.“If April decides to take you as her mate, you’ll find out.”

“I know what it’slike to have a mate,” I scoff.

“You knew,” hecounters. “Things change and memories fade.” Some of the guyschuckle.

“Whatever,” Igrumble. “What do we do now?”

“Have a beer, shift,hunt, whatever you want,” Max suggests. “We prefer to stay here andwait.”

“What are we waitingfor?”

“Our women. They’lleither be home in a couple of hours, or we will head into town togo and get them.”



“I wish I wasthere,” Sapphire says with a sigh. “I would have loved to see youranimal. I’ve only ever seen wolves.”

“I saw a fox once,”Emmaleigh inserts before taking a sip of her drink. “He was onlypassing through, but he had the worst attitude.”

“That sucks,”Sapphire says, drunkenly swaying to the music. “I would love tomake friends with different breeds. We could go drinking andhunting together.”

I laugh out loud atthe wonder in her voice. “I don’t think predators should hunttogether.”

“Why not?” Peytonasks.

“That’s a ridiculousquestion,” Keela cuts in. “How am I supposed to compete with … whatare you?” she asks me.

“A panther.”

“Fuck me!” she saysin awe. “I can’t hunt with a panther. I’d die of starvation.”

Everyone at thehigh-top table stares at her before turning to me. It only takes amoment before everyone bursts out in giggles.

“Okay, so maybethat’s not my best idea,” Sapphire concedes. “But you have toadmit, it’s totally badass to be friends with a panther.”

Laughter bubbles outof me. I am blessed beyond measure to have found these people andthat they accept me into their lives. And now that I know theydon’t care whether I’m a wolf or not, I feel more secure in thepack. My pack.

This is also thebest birthday I have ever had. We drink and dance and laugh forhours and I honestly can’t remember the last time I had this muchfun. I don’t think I ever have.

“I think you shoulddance with me,” a male voice says behind me as I grab my drinkorder from the bar.

Turning, I take inthe man. He’s attractive. Dark wavy hair, with grey eyes and abeautiful smile. His jeans hug his thighs and the blue t-shirt heis wearing molds to his muscles. I can appreciate an attractive manas much as the next woman, but he does absolutely nothing forme.

“No, thank you,” Isay, stepping around him to get back to my friends.

“I wasn’t asking,”he says wrapping his hand around my wrist and pulling me back andmaking me spill my drink.

I glare at theoffending appendage considering removing his arm from my body. Idon’t like people touching me without my permission, especiallymen. It probably has to do with the time I spent with the hunters,but I couldn’t say for sure.

“Let. Me. Go.”

“Oh, sugar, don’t bethat way,” he drawls. “We’re all here to have a little fun.”

“If you don’t getyour hands off her,” a deep male voice says from behind me, “I willbreak it.”