When I walked out of the locker room after my last class, only Ghost was waiting. Should I think of him as Axion now? No, I probably better not, just in case I slipped up with his name. He fell into step behind me as we walked silently to the dining hall. When I entered, Shadow, whose name I’d learned was Valyx, was already at the table against the back corner he favored, with three plates full of actual food. A nutrition bar, as usual, but also a few slices of meat, and not that imitation stuff, alongside a pile of green beans and creamy root vegetables for each of us. He had come early to get portions of the limited fresh meat and produce available for the residents. Just like before, he pulled out my chair and tucked me into my place without a word.
“Stars! I missed real food,” Ghost said around a bite of beans.
“Do soldiers not get fed while they are in the field or wherever you were before?” I ate my meal slowly, my stomach still sensitive from the nerves I had dealt with most of the day.
He finished chewing before he replied, “Ever since we were assigned”—he paused for effect—”all we’ve been given is nutrient bars.” I knew he meant that back on his world they had other options, but anyone listening in would assume he was talking about the military academy for alphas. I wanted to ask him more about his home, but the risk of being overheard was too high, so I let the conversation drop.
My punishment was scheduled for after the meal, so on top of my anxiety about the information I had learned, my stomach was in knots, anticipating the humiliating ordeal. The day had been difficult enough already with the weight of revelations on my shoulders. There was no way I was going to finish my dinner. I pushed my uneaten food around, buying as much time as possible before I had to go back to my cell. Ghost and Shadow watched me, but I knew they could tell I was putting off the inevitable.
Once it was clear I was not eating anything else, Shadow took something from his pocket and rolled it across the table in my direction. The fuzzy, orangy pink ball slowed to a stop next to my plate. I grabbed it up and pressed it to my nose. It was soft like velvet and smelled divine. Fresh fruit was near impossible to get, and I was holding an entire peach. Even with the upset of the day, nothing could keep my mouth from watering for this.
I looked between the two alphas, at a loss. “Would you like some?” I didn’t want to share, but it would be rude not to offer.
Shadow shook his head almost imperceptibly and Ghost smiled. “5376 got it for you. I think you should have it.”
I had tried to be polite, but if they were going to give me the whole thing, I wouldn’t turn down their generosity. The anxiety and anticipation of punishment faded into the background for a blissful moment. I barely managed to thank them before my teeth sank into the perfectly ripe flesh and my eyes slid shut.
This was probably the best thing I had ever tasted. Sweet and tangy and soft. The juices flowed freely down my chin. I tried not to slurp while I devoured it and then set the little pit in the center of the plate. The decoys’ gaze had been riveted on me as I gorged on the sweet, juicy fruit. It was embarrassing. I had made a mess of myself, but for another one, I would do it all again. My worries had melted away as the burst of flavor drowned out my concerns, if only for a second.
By the time I was finished, my hands were drenched in sticky sweetness. I reached for a napkin, but before I could wipe them clean, Ghost lifted my hand to his mouth and slid my fingers between his lips. His tongue stroked their length, sucking every bit of nectar from them before letting me go and finally handing me a cloth. I felt hot and tingly all over. I figured it was just for show so they wouldn’t be replaced as my decoys, but something inside my chest hoped it was real.
I wiped my hands and face with the napkin and got to my feet. It was time to receive my punishment. The minor reprieve was over, and I was about to get the icing on an already torturous day.
Chapter Ten
The anticipation was often worse than the punishment itself. Which was why occasionally, we were assigned discipline in the morning but did not receive it until evening. This tactic encouraged the students to think about what we had done and why it was unbecoming of a member of the Imperatrix’s empire.
All it made me think about was pain and the sick feeling I got when the headmaster would spank me with his clammy hands and leer at my naked flesh. At least it wouldn’t be Vestris this time, though I had little hope this would be an improvement.
When we arrived at our cabin, Grey was already inside. “I trust you’ve had time to think about your transgressions and will strive to improve upon them for the good of the empire.” His back was to the camera so it couldn’t see his face, but I saw him roll his eyes. He had always been progressive compared to the other handlers, but now he was a rebel playing a part for the cameras. I found I liked this risk-taking protector even better.
I fought to repress a smile by reminding myself what was about to happen. “Yes, I have.”
When no one moved, Grey ran his fingers through his soft brown hair. “One of you must administer the punishment. It was not specified which one. Saphyra, do you have a preference?”
I nibbled my lip in thought, looking back and forth between the alphas. Even a glance at Ghost had my heart picking up speed, remembering what he had done at dinner. Shadow would be the better choice. It would be easier to bear.
“Sh… 5376 seems like the best option.” Stars! I’d almost called him Shadow. It was one thing to have nicknames for your friends. A totally different thing to have nicknames for enemy soldiers. I would be mortified if they ever found out I’d made up names for them.
Shadow dropped into the chair as directed by Grey, and I made my way to his side. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I laid my torso across his strong thighs. Warmth radiated through his pants and pressed to my already over heated skin. I didn’t know why I thought it would be easier with my dark, broody decoy.
Cold air hit the back of my thighs as Shadow flipped my skirt up over my back, giving Ghost and Grey an unobstructed view of my slinky silk panties. I could hear the shifting of feet and fabric as they adjusted and could imagine their eyes locked onto me.
Shadow’s large hand caressed the bare curve of my ass. He was surprisingly gentle, and his palm was warm and rough with callouses. The kind gesture lulled me into complacency, but as soon as I relaxed, his hand left my skin and came down with a crack. The sound resounded through the cell, and I squeaked in surprise.
His ash and smoke voice reached my ears, sending tingles up my spine. “Count for me.”
The gruff order was quiet but jarred me almost as much as the physical impact of his hand. I could do nothing but obey. “One,” I said, bracing myself for the next swat.
Satisfied that I understood and would follow his direction, his hand left my skin again, only to return with another stinging slap of palm on bare flesh. “Two,” I whimpered at the sting.
He continued, varying the location of impacts, turning both cheeks rosy pink and hot. By the time the tenth clap came, I gasped out, “Ten,” and panted. My ass tingled and burned, but as he rubbed his palm in soothing circles over the reddened skin, it started to feel nice. There was heat, but also a pulsing throb between my legs. I tried to rub them together for more friction and arched my back, hoping his fingers might slip to ease the ache growing in my core.
The tops of my thighs were glossy with spilled slick, and my panties were drenched. I wanted more of this, but I knew it was getting dangerously close to triggering my heat and so did they, if their uncomfortable shifting was any sign.
I couldn’t help but rub against Shadow. My whole body hummed with need, and I felt him stiffen as the scent of my arousal filled the room.