Grey must have realized the issue because he came around and offered a hand to help me up. “Very good. I can see the decoys are making progress. The Imperatrix will be happy to know that your emergence is on track.”
He gathered me into his arms, his embrace a small comfort. “You did well, little one.”
I nuzzled into his neck, taking all the solace he could give me while under the scrutiny of the cameras. I desperately wanted more and couldn’t help the instinct to rub against him.
He cleared his throat and stepped away. “Try to get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.”
My ass was still on fire from my discipline and my cheeks, both sets, were overly hot from my inadvertent response. With Grey retreating, I had nothing left to hide behind. I didn’t want the decoys to witness my reaction, even though I knew they could smell it. I escaped to the wardrobe and stripped, tossing my laundry in the receptacle and dragging on the least seductive selection I could find, a soft pair of silky black shorts and matching tank top.
With my arms crossed over my chest, covering myself as best as I could, I made my way out of the dressing room. Dark and light eyes locked on to me as I hurried across the floor and quickly snuggled into the comfort of my nest. Neither alpha said a word, but their attention never wavered.
After my embarrassing performance over Shadow’s knee, I couldn’t bring myself to make eye contact. Once I was fully covered in blankets, my nerves settled. But my heart still pounded in anticipation. I knew they would have to join me after the discussion in the hall, but that knowledge only caused the tension to grow.
The sounds of clothes rustling and hitting the floor made me bury my face in the covers in mortification. The dip and shift of the nest on either side of me indicated the decoys would soon be settled in. I held very still. The instinct of prey animals would not serve me here, but I didn’t know what else to do.
The blankets on my right moved, and my flimsy shield dragged away. I peeked through a squinted eye and saw Ghost looking down at me with wonder on his face. My eyes opened further to study him as he watched me. There was a softness in his expression I had not expected to find. He was so beautiful. I had never taken the time to appreciate the details of either of my decoys, but up close, I couldn’t help but realize he was flawless. His lush lips were parted, and his breath whispered over me like a distant memory of fog rolling off the sea, cool and comforting.
“I never imagined how beautiful you would become,” he said softly, echoing the sentiment from when we first met.
Goosebumps cascaded down my arms and legs.
A grumpy growl from the other side of the bed broke my trance. An indignant Shadow lay as far from me as he could while still being in the nest. I wasn’t going to let his misplaced anger ruin the feeling Ghost stirred in my chest, so I did my best to ignore him.
The tension between us was thick, and my emergence was close. I could feel the heat writhing under my skin, begging for release. Shadow was right. It needed to be deescalated. Ghost’s nearness felt wonderful, but I knew it couldn’t last.
He laid his head on the pillow beside mine, content to watch in silence. There was a restrained reverence in his gaze that drew me in and settled any indecision or trepidation I had. My lips tipped up at the corner in a smile just for him, and he traced it with the pad of his thumb.
“You should always be happy enough to smile like this,” he said as he pressed close enough to share breath. I didn’t know if it was my omega nature pushing because he was an alpha or if I was desperate for comfort, but everything about his presence felt right.
Curiously, I reached out to trace his high cheekbone and down to his sharp jawline. He stayed very still, as if not wanting to spook a flighty animal. His soft lips were so close and inviting I couldn’t help but inch forward to taste them.
My mouth brushed against his, gentle as a butterfly wing. He stiffened, so I pulled back. The heat reflected in his eyes was enough to set my clothes to smoldering, and before I managed to back off, his hand curled around my neck, holding me perfectly still as his lips met mine again.
He was confident but gentle, coaxing my lips apart to tease with his tongue. Unsure of myself, I let him guide me as I matched his kiss with my own. Tentatively, our tongues stroked the length of the other, the heated caress lighting my body on fire.
A pleased rumble trickled from his throat, and I pressed closer, finding his bare flesh through the blankets. My fingers explored his skin, tips dragging over his ribs down to his hips, where the band of his shorts started. I squirmed, pressing my breasts against his chest, and returned his kiss more deeply. I could feel his erection lengthening against the apex of my thighs, and a gasp left my lips as I rubbed against it.
The nest shuddered, and Ghost was ripped away from me. Like a dark storm cloud, Shadow loomed over me after having shoved Ghost back.
“She is not for you. Have a little self-control. And more than that, you know what will happen if you push her into heat and we haven’t found a way to free Lex yet.” His searing growl was barely a whisper to avoid the cameras picking it up, but it had the intended effect. The blood drained from Ghost’s face, and he shoved himself to the edge of the nest. He flopped over on his back and stared up at the stars visible through the translucent domed ceiling.
He ran a shaky hand through his snowy hair and muttered a quick apology before rolling to face away from me. Shadow went back to his side of the nest and lay down, glancing over his shoulder making sure Ghost hadn’t changed his mind. His dark stare, so full of loathing and hate, made me wonder why he was here in the first place.
I lay breathing heavily, waiting for the pulsing throb between my thighs to recede, and wondering what Shadow was talking about.
Unsatisfied and confused, I huddled in my covers, wondering if my reaction to Ghost could be wrong when it felt so right. This was the second time I had heard them mention the name Lex and still didn’t know what that meant. All I could do was wait for the rotation of the Hive to bring the sun streaming through the dome overhead, signaling morning when I could get out of this uncomfortable situation.
This was going to be a long night.
Shadow’s deep breathing crept to my ears from his side of the nest, but I couldn’t relax. He made it clear he didn’t like me and he certainly didn’t want me. I wish it didn’t bother me so much.
Trying my best not to wake anyone but unable to help it, I tossed and turned. My new nest, where I was supposed to feel safe and comforted, only made me feel awkward and uneasy. The blankets shifted, and Ghost’s warm hand slid into mine. I peeked over the top of the bedding and saw his pale blue eyes looking back at me. He didn’t say a word, but his thumb stroked across my knuckles, giving me the reassurance I needed until the weight of sleep swept me under.
Chapter Eleven
The click of a door startled me awake, and when I opened my eyes, I found the fathomless glittering gaze of Shadow staring down at me. His face was placid, but I felt the loathing oozing from his pores. He kept a respectful distance, as if he knew he was a trespasser in my nest, but we couldn’t do anything about it.