Even if his mother was right, that didn’t mean he would pick back up with Mia. She was a part of his past and he wanted her to stay there. Whereas he saw Zara as a part of his future. She might not know it now, but he was willing to do whatever was needed to break down her defenses...just like she had unknowingly broken down his.

“I will give you the babies you want, Saint. At least two.”

He drew in a deep breath, attempting to hold his anger in check. She wanted him to take her back and dictate her terms? He had news for her. Zara was the only woman he wanted to have babies with. “Don’t do me any favors, Mia.”

“I don’t understand why you’re being difficult when I’m giving you what you want. Marriage and babies.”

“And like I said, don’t do me any favors.” He knew at that moment what he wanted more than those two things was a woman he loved and who loved him. He loved Zara and maybe it was time to let her know it. Even if she didn’t love him back now, he believed that one day she could and would.

What they had between them now—both in and out of bed—was good. It was a start, and he honestly could see it going somewhere. He would have hope. She had bought that building in town and, for him, that meant he would see more of her. He just had to make sure she was willing to see more of him.

He gave Mia a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes when he said, “My affair might end and then it might not. If I have anything to do with it, it won’t. I love her.”

She lifted a brow. “You love her? You’ll hang on to a woman who might not love you back?”

“It won’t be the first time I’ve done so, will it?” he asked scoffingly. Before she could respond he said, “I’m glad we had this conversation, Mia.” He truly meant that. Not for closure but to reaffirm what he already knew.

Saint met her gaze and then added, “I hope now you’ll be able to convince our parents of something that I seemed to have failed at doing, which is to finally accept that I have not been waiting for you to return to my life. We are finished and there’s no getting back together.” He paused and added, “I wish you the best in all your future endeavors. Take care of yourself.”

When he walked off Mia called out to him. “Evans?”

He stopped walking and turned around. “Yes?”

“I did love you.”

Saint stared hard at her. “If that’s true then your kind of love is something I can do without.”

He turned and continued walking.

“Did you like the movie, Margie?”

“I did. I’m glad there’s a movie theater here in the cove. I recall we used to have to drive all the way into New Orleans to see a movie.”

He chuckled. “You remember those days, do you?”

“I doubt that I’d forget them. Granted, the movie theater here only has three screens. That’s better than nothing.”

“Tell that to the young folks. There’s a petition going around to bring in one of those twelve-screen theaters.”

Margie shook her head. “What are the chances of that happening?”

“Slim.” He opened the car door for her.

She smiled as she slid across the leather. “I thought so.”

When he started driving, he asked, “Do you want to stop somewhere before we get to your house? How about to get some french fries?”

She grinned at him. “You like french fries, don’t you?”

“I love them.”

“Umm... Do you have some fresh white potatoes at your house?”

“Yes, I grow my own. Why?”

“I want to make you french fries prepared my way.”

When he stopped at a traffic light, he looked at her. “And what way is that?”