“Baked in the oven. I promise you’ll love them.”

He looked at his watch. “We’ve been gone for almost two hours. Don’t you have to check on Mr. Chelsey?”

“No. Pastor Dawkins comes over on Saturday evenings to discuss tomorrow’s Sunday school lesson with him. Then he usually stays awhile and the two of them watch the sports channel.”

Levi smiled. “In that case, I’d love to try your baked fries.”

Margie nearly held her breath when Levi bit into one of the baked french fries. When they had reached his house, they had gone into his garden together and she’d selected two of the biggest white potatoes that she could find. She peeled them and then diced them the size of regular french fries. Because Levi had a kitchen that was stocked with all kinds of seasonings, she had been able to create her mother’s special seasoning that would give them a golden-brown appearance while baked.

When he finished the first one and reached for another, she slid the plate away from him. “I want to know what you think, Levi.”

He grinned at her. “I think that was the best cooked fry I’ve ever eaten. It was delicious.”

She smiled, pleased with his comment. “It’s also healthier for you.”

“And I loved the way they were seasoned.”

“I thought you would. That was the seasoning Mom used on her fries. Dad and I weren’t allowed to eat french fries, so she came up with her own, and for years because the seasoning helps bake them a golden brown, we thought we were eating fries cooked in oil, not baked.”

“Well, you should get that seasoning patented. It’s really good.”

“I might just do that.” She slid the plate back and took a fry for herself. After sampling, she agreed with him; it was really good.

“What other kind of recipes of your mom’s do you have?” he asked.

“Several. All for a healthier version of foods without sacrificing taste. I know how to bake chicken that tastes almost fried. However, Dad puts his foot down on that one. When he wanted fried chicken, Mom had no choice but to pull out the skillet. I guess she knew what battles to pick.”

They finished off the fries with beer. He’d been surprised to discover she preferred beer to wine like he did. After they tidied up the kitchen, she called to check on her dad. “Dad said he wished I would stop calling because he, the pastor and Butterball are watching the game.”

She went to sit beside Levi on the sofa. “I guess that means you’ll have me for company for a little longer. That’s good because there’s something I want to talk to you about.”

He looked at her. “Okay, what?” he asked, shifting his position on the sofa to face her.

She nibbled on her bottom lip a moment before saying, “Weeks ago, we talked about our relationship, and I told you that I wasn’t ready for anything more than friendship.”

“Yes, I remember.”

“Well, I’m ready for more now, Levi. That is, if you’re still interested.”

A huge grin appeared on his face. “Yes, I’m definitely still interested. Like I told you that day, you’re the first woman I’ve felt anything for since Lydia. That hasn’t changed, Margie, and I doubt that it will.”

She smiled as she drew in a deep breath. “I hope that it won’t. I want to continue to get to know you. I relish your company and doing things with you. What Bellamy told me before leaving was right.”

“And what was that?”

She paused, then said, “That her dad wasn’t coming back, and it was time for me to accept that and move on. Ron would want me to be happy and to live my life to the fullest. My children want me to be happy. Bellamy has met you and likes you. I talked to David and he’s looking forward to meeting you.”

“And I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

“And I told Dad, and of course he likes you and knows Butterball likes you, too.”

Levi laughed. “That’s good to hear. So where do we go from here?”

“I still want to take things slow, Levi. One day at a time and spend as much time as I can with you.”

“I want to spend as much time as I can with you, too. I understand there will be limitations due to Mr. Chelsey. Hopefully, we can include him in some of our outings.”

“Yes, we can do that, but the older Dad gets the more he wants to hang around home,” she said.