“Okay, Levi.”
Margie and Bellamy had arrived at the Green Fig for dinner and had just been seated when Levi had noticed them. He’d known from Margie that Bellamy had arrived in town late last night for her interview that morning. “How did your interview go?” he decided to ask her. He thought the smile that spread across her face was similar to the one he often saw on Margie’s.
“I think it went well. They will be interviewing other applicants and will let me know something in a week. They gave me a tour of the facility and told me that due to Catalina Cove’s growing population, a new hospital is planned to be built on land being donated to them.”
“Yes, that was announced at a recent town hall meeting,” Levi said. “The wealthiest man in town, Reid Lacroix, has donated land for that purpose. That way people living in the cove won’t have to travel to New Orleans or Baton Rouge for more extensive and advanced medical services.”
“I think that’s a wonderful idea and it was very generous of Mr. Lacroix.”
“Yes, it was. Well, I’ll get back to work,” Levi said. “I’m glad I got a chance to meet you, Bellamy. How long will you be in town?”
“I’m flying out first thing in the morning since I’m needed back at work. Hopefully, on my next trip I’ll be able to stay longer. It’s been a while since I’ve visited the cove. Growing up, my brother and I used to visit my grandparents every summer. The town has certainly grown.”
Levi laughed. “And it’s still growing, but even with the growth it will always retain that small-town feel. As a cove native I can appreciate that.”
“I can, too,” Margie spoke up. “After living in a big city like Dallas for so long, I’d forgotten just how wonderful a small town could be. I’m glad I made the decision to move back home.”
“And I’m glad you made the decision to move back as well,” Levi said, smiling at Margie. He then glanced at Bellamy. “Enjoy the rest of your stay in the cove.” To Margie, he said, “I hope the two of you like the meal.”
“And I’ll see you Saturday evening, Levi.”
He smiled. “I’m looking forward to it.” He then walked off.
Margie couldn’t help watching Levi until he’d disappeared into the restaurant’s kitchen and was no longer in sight. For some reason, she continued looking as if waiting for him to come back out.
The clearing of her daughter’s throat made her turn to Bellamy, and when she saw the way her daughter was grinning, she said, “Sorry about that.”
“No need to apologize. I must say Levi Canady is a handsome man. I can see why you’re so taken with him.”
Margie waved off her daughter’s words. “Nonsense. I’m not taken with him.”
“If you aren’t, then you should be. I understand what you said about it taking time for your heart to shift gears and go in another direction. I found out that’s true with my situation with Sam, so I can certainly understand how things were for you with Dad. The two of you had a good marriage and there was plenty of love.
“David and I always felt it with you and Dad. But just like I want to believe there is life for me after Sam, I hope you know there’s life for you after Dad. You’re still young, Mom, and I know Dad would want you to continue living. To be happy. I hope you’ll take my advice and move beyond the friendship stage with Levi. I can tell the way he looks at you that he wants the same thing.”
Margie didn’t say anything for a moment. What she hadn’t told Bellamy was that she’d finally made the decision to move beyond friendship, but she hadn’t told Levi yet. Smiling, she confessed, “I agree with everything you’ve said, and I am ready for things to move forward for me and Levi. I plan to tell him Saturday. He’s taking me to the movies. An early matinee.”
A huge smile covered Bellamy’s features. “Mom, I think that’s great. David and I are rooting for you and Levi.”
“David knows?”
“Yes. I told him about Levi and he agrees. We both want you to be happy again.”
“Thanks.” Reaching across the table, she took Bellamy’s hand in hers. “And I want you to be happy, too. I know you’re having a time of it after Sam’s betrayal, but I want you to believe there is happiness in your future as well. I don’t want you to give up on love.”
“It will be hard for me to trust another man in my life, Mom. Sam ruined it for me.”
“Promise me you won’t give him that much power over you, Bellamy.”
Sam was in such a rush to marry the other woman that Bellamy’s attorney had advised her that Sam had given in to all Bellamy’s demands without a fight. Not only had he signed the house over to her free and clear, but he’d agreed to all the other concessions she’d asked for as well.
Bellamy was quiet. When Margie tightened her hold on her hand, she said, “Okay, Mom. I will try.”
“Wake up, sleepyhead, it’s Saturday morning. Did you forget what we had planned for today?”
Zara slowly opened her eyes and smiled at the man looming over her. They had made love practically all through the night before finally drifting to sleep, snug, naked and their legs entwined. “After last night I need another hour.”
“Last night you said you wanted us to get up early and go boating on the bayou.”