“Umm, that was before you wore me out.”

He leaned down to place a kiss across her lips. “I gave you everything you asked for.”

Her smile spread, thinking he certainly had. “I wanted to wear you out, Saint.”

“I know, and I was more than happy to let you try.”

She sighed deeply, thinking just how much she loved this man. This had definitely been a busy week for them. On the Fourth of July, they had split their time between the cookout at his parents’ home and the one Kaegan and Bryce Chambray had given, where it was announced Bryce was expecting again. Then they’d left the Chambrays to drive into town to watch the fireworks from the boardwalk.

Zara would have to say Saint’s parents were welcoming and friendly. However, she had noticed the news that she would not be leaving the next day to return to Boston as originally planned had surprised them. When his mother had asked her why, like she had every right to know, Zara had merely told the older woman that she wasn’t ready to leave yet. Saint had pulled her to him and brushed a kiss across her lips then said he was glad because he wasn’t ready for her to leave, either. His open display of affection in front of his parents had made her feel special, even if she knew it shouldn’t have.

Last night they’d driven into New Orleans to go dancing but had returned to the cottage before midnight with plans to go boating this morning. She’d been to Saint’s house a couple of other times since he’d invited her to dinner that Sunday. However, she’d never gone boating with him on the bayou. Today was to be her day.

She wanted the day to start off with truth and admissions. Afterward, he might decide since she’d added emotions in the mix—feelings they’d originally decided had no place in their affair—it would be best if they cooled things between them. How would she handle it if he suggested that? Now was a good time to find out.


“Yes, sweetheart?”

She loved it when he called her that, and he was doing it even more lately. “I need to tell you something.”

Evidently, he saw the seriousness in her eyes and asked, “What do you want to tell me?”

She drew in a deep breath. “I...”

Before she could finish, his cell phone rang. He said, “It’s Mom. She usually doesn’t call me on Saturday mornings unless it’s important. I wonder what gives.”

Shifting positions, he reached out and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. Before clicking it on he smiled over at her and said, “Hold that thought, sweetheart.”

Saint clicked on his phone. “Mom, what’s up?”

“I’m at your house and you’re not at home,” his mother said, matter-of-factly.

“No, I’m not at home.”

“It’s seven in the morning.”

“Yes, Mom, I know what time it is. So, what’s up? Why are you at my house this early? Is everything okay with you and Dad?”

“Yes. I have good news for you.”

He heard the excitement in his mother’s voice. Reaching out, he pulled Zara closer into his arms before asking, “You have good news for me? And what’s this good news, Mom?”

“Mia is here.”


“What do you mean Mia’s here?” he asked, quickly pulling himself up to a sitting position. He felt Zara, who heard his question, tense up in his arms. He wondered if, like him, she was remembering how when his mother, upon discovering that Zara had extended her stay in the cove, had looked like the cat that had eaten the canary. He would bet any amount of money Irene Toussaint had known Mia was coming to town. Hell, she’d probably planned it with the help of the Givenses.

“She came all the way to Catalina Cove to see you and to talk to you,” his mother was saying.

“I’m sure she came to see you and Dad. There’s no reason Mia wants to meet with me.”

“Well, she does. What time will you be home?”

Saint rubbed his hand down his face, feeling more annoyed by the second. “I’ve made plans for today. All day. Besides, it doesn’t matter, Mom. Mia made her decision about us over three years ago, and I accepted it and moved on. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Saint, wait! Mia came all the way from Florida to see you. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”