“Heck no, although I think it helped your cause.”

Zara lifted a brow. “My cause?”

“Yes, your cause. The closer it was getting to the day you were leaving, the sadder you were becoming.”


“Yes. Like you were about to lose your very best friend.”

Great analogy, Zara thought, returning her attention to her meal. That was exactly how she’d felt. Her best friend who’d become the man she loved. She looked at Sierra. “I’ve fallen in love with Saint, Sierra.”

Her sister-in-law gave her an understanding smile. “I know. I’ve known for a while, probably before you even realized it yourself. Mainly because that’s how it was with me and Vaughn. Velvet knew it long before I could. She said she saw it in my eyes whenever I talked about him, or whenever she was with me and he would appear, or whenever his name would come up. I had it bad and so do you.”

Sierra sipped her wine, then added, “What I don’t think you realize is that Saint is doing the same thing.”

Zara tilted her head. “What?”

“Exposing his emotions. His love for you shows in his eyes whenever your name comes up or whenever the two of you are together.”

“How do you know?”

“I’ve noticed it and Vaughn has, too. I think your brother deliberately mentions you to Saint just to see it happen.”

Zara’s jaw dropped in surprise. “You’re kidding, right?”

“No. Vaughn might stay out of your business and give you the space you deserve and are entitled to, but that doesn’t mean he’s not observant to things where you’re concerned. You’re his sister. He’s convinced Saint loves you, but he’s not sure how you feel about Saint. He believes Maurice ruined any other man’s chances of capturing your heart.”

Zara had believed that for so long, but Saint had proved her wrong because she knew she did love him. When she’d remained silent, probably for too long, Sierra said, “Unlike Vaughn, I’ve made my own observations about some things.”

“What things?”

“Like the relationship you and Saint shared was more than that hookup-partners thing. The strong sexual chemistry between the two of you told the real story. It’s special.”

“Special? It’s lust, Sierra. I might love Saint, but contrary to what you and Vaughn might think, he doesn’t love me back.”

“Why do you think he doesn’t?”

Zara shrugged. “He hasn’t told me that he does.”

“Have you told him how you feel about him?”

“No. But Saint has said numerous times that he would never give his heart to another woman.”

“And I’ve heard you say that you’d never give your heart to another man. If those emotions can change for you, why can’t they change for him, Zara? I think you owe it to yourself to find out if they have before you leave Catalina Cove.”

What if Saint did love her and she didn’t have a clue, just like he didn’t have any knowledge about her feelings for him? Would it be such a bad thing to confess her feelings and let the chips fall where they may? She wondered...

He would either tell her the feelings were mutual or they weren’t. Sierra was right. One way or the other, she needed to know before leaving town, and more than anything, she hoped that they were mutual.

“Levi, I’d like you to meet my daughter, Bellamy. Bellamy, this is my good friend Levi Canady.”

Levi extended his hand to the young woman who he thought probably looked like a younger version of Margie. She had the same dark eyes, high cheekbones and rounded chin. She was definitely a very attractive woman, and he knew if she were to move to Catalina Cove, she would capture the attention of several young men.

“I’m happy to meet you, Bellamy.”

“I’m happy to meet you, too, Mr. Canady.”

“You can call me Levi.”