He stood when the door opened and they entered.

An hour later Saint was entering the Oyster Shell Fish Camp. The restaurant had opened its doors a few weeks ago and already it was giving LaFitte’s Seafood House some strong competition. Carter Purcelli had been another one who’d taken up Reid’s offer of a low-interest loan.

After graduating from college, instead of returning to the cove to live after his mother passed away, Carter had moved to Toronto and worked for years in that city’s management. Now he was back home and, like Sierra was doing with her soup café, Carter was using recipes that had been in his family for generations.

Saint scanned the room and saw Zara. She was having a conversation with one of the waitresses as if they were the best of friends. Her friendliness was just one of the things that drew him to her and had captured his heart. And damn, she was holding it tight.

He was glad she was extending her time in the cove to discover the outcome of the map. He would take any reason to delay the inevitable. When the waitress walked off, as if Zara felt his presence, she looked his way and smiled. It was so radiant that he almost missed a step as he walked toward her.

Today she looked stunning in a pretty yellow sundress. His favorite color. No matter what color she wore, she would wear it well. However, while holding her gaze he couldn’t help recalling how she’d looked this morning when they’d awakened beside each other wearing nothing at all.

When he reached her table, he brushed a kiss across her lips, not caring that the restaurant was pretty busy with the lunchtime crowd. “Hello, beautiful,” he said. Then he took his seat.

“Hello to you, too, handsome.”

He grinned. He didn’t think he was handsome, but if she thought so, he would take the compliment in stride. “Have you looked at the menu yet?” he asked.

“Yes, and I’ve already placed our orders with instructions to not start cooking anything until you get here.”

“I appreciate that.”

That was another thing that amazed him about her. She had a penchant for detail and the memory of an elephant. They’d eaten here twice before, attending the grand opening and again one evening for dinner. The first time, he’d ordered the fried red snapper that was cooked with Carter’s grandfather’s special seasonings. The second time they’d dined there, she suggested he try something else on the menu. He replied that he didn’t have to—he was stuck on the fried red snapper and that was that.

“What did Stuart Bauer say?” Zara asked anxiously.

It didn’t take long to cover everything with her since they hadn’t been interrupted by their waitress. Nor had Zara cut in to ask any questions. When he’d finished his spiel, she said, “Over a million dollars for that old bottle?”

“Yes,” he said. “I guess it’s good to know it’s worth all that, considering the time and effort it took for us to get it from behind that bookcase.”

“You mean the time and effort it took for you to get it from behind that bookcase,” she said with a mischievous grin. “I was savoring the view of your tush every time you got on your knees to try another way to retrieve it.”

He couldn’t help throwing his head back and laughing. He hadn’t been aware she’d been watching him recover the rum bottle. All he knew was that when he’d finally gotten it and stood up in triumph, he’d found her naked and ready to tumble him back to the floor. “Have you told Vaughn you might be extending your time in Catalina Cove?”

“Yes, I told him when we talked this morning.”

“Did he ask you why?”

“Vaughn doesn’t ask anything about any plans I make or change. I think he’s just glad I’ll be hanging around awhile longer. That’s why I haven’t told him that I’ve purchased that building yet. I don’t want him to get any ideas. If it were up to him, I would be moving to Catalina Cove permanently.”

Knowing that would never happen, he was glad when the waitress returned with their food. Over lunch, she told him about her new designs that would be coming out next spring. She also told him that her attorney had made offers to the landlords of each of her boutiques to buy them like he’d suggested. He admired her skills and savvy as a businesswoman and her willingness to take sound advice. He could see why her shops were so successful.

Saint no longer counted the days he had left with her. He’d been given a reprieve for now and appreciated it. As far as he was concerned, she might be anxious to hear from Bauer but he wasn’t. He would take each day, one at a time, and look forward to spending them with her.

“My parents are looking forward to you joining them for the cookout on the Fourth.”

She tilted her head and smiled at him. “And I’m looking forward to joining them as well.”


“I’m glad you’ve extended your time in Catalina Cove.”

Zara glanced across the table at Sierra. They had met for lunch at a pizza shop in town. “I bet Vaughn couldn’t wait to tell you.”

Sierra chuckled. “You certainly made your brother’s day. Of course, he thinks that building you bought in town is why you’re extending your visit another week or two.”

Zara took a sip of wine. She’d had breakfast with Vaughn that morning and had told him about her purchasing that building. He was both surprised and elated. Like Saint, he thought it was a great business move.

“And you don’t think that’s the reason?” she asked Sierra.