She pulled up into a sitting position. “I took your advice, Saint.”
He tilted his head. “My advice about what?”
“That vacant building in town. I bought it.”
Zara’s words had Saint inhaling deeply. It wasn’t just the thought that she’d taken his advice that was affecting him, but the implications of her doing so. However, he might be assuming those implications. The last thing he needed was to get his hopes up about anything.
She was staring at him expectantly, and he suddenly realized he hadn’t commented on what she’d said. She had to be wondering why. “I didn’t think you would do it, Zara. Congratulations.”
She shrugged those sexy shoulders he loved touching and licking all over. “Thanks. I wasn’t going to but the more I thought about it, the more I knew that you were right. Buying it would be a great opportunity.”
“Will it be modeled as the shop in your painting?”
He saw the excitement in her eyes when she said, “Yes. Eventually.”
Now for the real question he needed her to answer. “That means you’ll be coming back to Catalina Cove more often, right?”
Instead of answering she tilted her head and held his gaze for a moment. She asked, “Does the thought of that bother you, Saint?”
“Why would it?” he asked, knowing, however, it probably would. She would be yet another woman he’d fallen in love with who would never want to settle down into marriage.
“I would think you’d have gotten on with your life, and my appearance might throw our affair and subsequent breakup back into the spotlight. You know how some people like to stir things up anew,” she said.
Yes, he did know. Wasn’t it just a few days ago that he’d appreciated his mother for not bringing Mia’s name up? He’d reacted too soon. She had mentioned her that very morning. Letting him know that job Mia had taken in Florida three years ago had recently been the casualty of if he cared one iota.
Again, he noted Zara was waiting for him to respond, so he said, “Let them stir things up all they want. I can handle it.”
He would leave it at that. There was no way he would say what he normally would say regarding his thoughts about jumping back into a serious relationship with a woman. That it wouldn’t be happening because he wasn’t interested. He now knew he would be interested if the woman was Zara. He would entertain a serious relationship with her at any time. He loved her.
He knew he couldn’t tell her that. She’d told him how she’d felt about commitment countless times. She wasn’t interested. If nothing else, Mia had taught him to take a woman at her word about what she would and would not do.
Deciding this topic of conversation was over, he let his gaze roam all over her. “I like your swimsuit. It’s a good thing you’re on a private island and not at the beach.”
She glanced down at herself. “You think this is a little too much for the beach?”
“No. I think it’s a lot too less for the beach. However, it looks great on you.” He thought that was an understatement. She looked gorgeous in all the bathing suits he’d seen her in.
“Thanks. You want to go swimming?”
Since he spent a lot of time at the cottage, he kept a pair of swim trunks here. “Swimming sounds nice, but I’d rather do something else.”
He knew she had an idea just what that something else was. “So, what do you think about that, Zara Miller?”
Getting up from the chaise lounge, she walked over to him. He stood as well and snaked his arms around her waist. She tilted her head back to look up at him, and at that moment he knew letting her leave would be the hardest thing he ever had to do.
Leaning down he captured her lips with his. There was nothing gentle about this kiss, deliberately so. He wanted her to feel the same degree of heat that was simmering through him. He wanted her heart to pound and accelerate like his was doing. He wanted desire to take control of her mind and senses like it was with his. But more than anything, he hoped like hell she felt something other than passion in this kiss. He wanted her to feel all the love he was trying to keep under wraps because he knew to unleash it would mean nothing but another heartbreak. He wasn’t ready for another woman to tell him she wasn’t ready to accept the love he had to offer her.
By the time he finally broke off the kiss, her arms were wrapped around his neck and her body was plastered to his. “Saint...”
“Hmm?” he asked, using the tip of his tongue to lick around her mouth.
“I... I...”
He lifted his head to gaze deep into the captivating hazel color of her eyes. “Yes, sweetheart? You what?”
“I want you.”
He smiled at her. “And I want you, too.” Then he swept her into his arms and carried her into the house.