“I hope the same for you two,” Levi said, and watched as the couple walked away, thinking they looked good together. From what he’d overheard Freda tell Sierra, she and Brody were nothing more than friends. Just like him and Margie. “I’m glad you feel returning to Catalina Cove was a good move for you, Margie.”

“I do, Levi, and if that invitation to dinner is still out there, I’ll take it.”

With a huge smile, he said, “It’s still out there, and I look forward to you joining me.”


Zara’s eyes flew open when she heard footsteps walking on the pier. Since she was outside on the porch, she wouldn’t have heard the buzzer alerting her that someone had gained access to Pelican Bay. After going for a swim, she’d stretched out in one of the chaise lounges to take a nap. The way the cottage was built, you had a good view of the bay and the pier regardless of whether you were on the front porch or the back.

Trying to focus with her sleepy eyes, her heart rate kicked up a notch when she saw the man walking across the pier was Saint. They had talked that morning and he’d mentioned he would see her later. However, later for him usually meant after eight since he was helping his father repair a boat dock after work.

She checked her watch. It wasn’t even two o’clock yet. Was he taking a late lunch? Pulling herself up to a sitting position she couldn’t help but smile as he got closer. As usual, she saw just how handsome he was.

When he reached the porch, he took the steps and came over to her, leaned down and gave her what she thought was a kiss that could fill a woman’s mind with all kinds of salacious thoughts. He might be called Saint but when it came to kissing and lovemaking, there wasn’t a single saintlike thing about him. Some of the things he’d introduced her to in the bedroom bordered on sinful, but so dang pleasurable.

She had barely released a purr when he broke off the kiss. She couldn’t help licking her lips, wanting more of his taste. “You’ve been swimming?” he asked.

“Yes, I decided to take a swim and then I fell asleep.” No need to tell him he had occupied her dreams during that time. To wake up and see him crossing the pier had been like a dream come true. “Your visit this time of day is a surprise.”

“I couldn’t get much work done for thinking about you. So here I am,” he said.

His words made her feel good inside. “You came here for lunch? You should have called me. I would have whipped you up a mean sandwich.”

He was amused. “How mean?”

“Peanut butter and jelly mean.”

He leaned in and swiped a kiss across her lips. “Thanks, but I had something to eat already. We had a two-hour meeting and Vaughn ordered in lunch.”

“That was kind of him.”

“We all thought so. Since I finished with all my appointments for today, I decided to leave work early. So here I am.”

The thought that he came to Pelican Bay after leaving work swelled her heart. “And I’m glad to see you.”

He sat in the chaise lounge across from her. “How did the surprise bridal brunch go?”

She’d mentioned to him yesterday that Donna Elloran was hosting the event for Velvet. “Velvet was surprised, and the brunch was only attended by her closest friends here in the cove. It was nice. She had pictures of her wedding dress. It’s beautiful and I can’t wait to see her in it.”

“I bet Jaye can’t wait to see her in it, too.”

Zara smiled, knowing that was true. “So, Mr. Toussaint. Why were you thinking of me today?”

“I always think about you, Zara.”

Her heart pounded in her chest, while thinking he was definitely laying on the kindness rather thick. But then, that was Saint for you. Another thing she was noticing was how he kept looking at the bathing suit she was wearing. It was a little more daring than the ones she’d worn before when they’d gone swimming together. It was a two-piece, but it was one of those barely there thong styles. Definitely not something she’d wear out in public, but she had no problem wearing it privately for Saint. And from the way he was looking at her, he obviously liked what he saw.

“Have I ever told you how much I like your tattoo?”

She grinned. “You’ve told me a number of times.” No need to remind him of the times he’d kissed and licked it. That pelican above her navel had gotten a lot of attention from Saint.

“I’ve been thinking about you a lot, too,” she admitted truthfully.

“You have?”

Zara thought he actually sounded surprised. “Yes, I have. In fact, I have something to tell you.”
