Reaching down, he gently cradled her face in his hand. “Yes, sweetheart. You have done that and more. Now it’s my turn to seduce you, Carmen.”
He swept her off her feet and into his arms.
Chapter Twenty
Redford placed Carmen on the bed. The air around him seemed inflamed with the scent of her. Why did she have to smell so good and taste so delicious?
He stared at the naked woman who’d seduced the hell out of him, like he’d suggested. He was a pro at seducing women and never had one seduce him. Until tonight he hadn’t thought such a thing was possible. In the past, he’d not only called the shots but was also the one who decided when and where his game of seduction would be played out. However, tonight Carmen had taken that decision out of his hands and placed it into hers. Literally.
He tried fighting back his body’s demands. If just her touch could do that to him, he didn’t want to remember what being inside her body would do. He tried breaking eye contact with her but couldn’t. Now he recalled his earlier assertion to Sloan that she had p-whipped him. However, he was beginning to think it was more than that. What? He wasn’t sure.
Every muscle in his body desired her to the point where emotions he’d never had to deal with before crowded in on him, taking over his mind the same way they’d taken over his body. Could nearly three months of forced celibacy do that to him? Or...had he finally met his match? He didn’t want to think that such a thing was possible, but at that moment his mind was too messed up, and he was filled with so much need for her that he couldn’t think straight.
“Are you sure you’re up to this?” he asked her, indicating his huge erection.
She gave a somewhat shy smile and said, “Just as long as I know it’s up for me.”
He couldn’t help but grin at her play on words. “Trust me. It is. Only for you.” Even more desire surged through him, yet in consideration of her health, he had to make sure he wasn’t being an insensitive ass. “And you’re sure you’re okay, healthwise?”
She eased up on her haunches and his gaze followed the movement. “I am, so don’t try to back out now, Redford.”
“The only thing that can stop me at this point is you telling me to do so.”
“And I won’t do that. I want you too much.”
Her words slipped him into the sensual world that was Carmen Golan. A world he had been part of once and hadn’t been the same since. More than anything, he wanted to see if all those orgasms were a fluke or common for them.
He moved toward the bed and she leaned in to meet him. Drawing her against him, he captured her mouth with a need he felt not only in his erection but in his entire body. His hands began stroking her all over, her bare skin felt hot beneath his fingertips. He specifically liked tracing a path over the smoothness of her shoulders. From the sounds she made, he knew she was enjoying his touch...just like he’d enjoyed hers earlier.
His tongue greedily explored her mouth. When he finally got a mind to end the kiss, he pressed her back against the pillows. She stretched out her arms to him and that was an invitation he intended to accept. Before moving to her, his gaze roamed over every inch of her delectable curves, a pair of beautiful breasts with hardened nipples and a flat stomach. She’d told him the other day that she could detect a little protruding stomach, but as of yet, he could not. Then his gaze lowered still to the very essence of her—namely, her feminine folds. Just the sight of her made his erection throb and her scent made his tongue thicken in his mouth.
“What’s taking you so long, Redford?” she asked in a voice filled with need. He switched his gaze to her face and smiled. A thick mass of hair was fanned out against the pillow.
“I just want to savor the moment. You are very beautiful, Carmen,” he said, truthfully. “And, lying here like that makes you look delicious, too.”
His smile widened. “Yes, delicious. Let me prove what I mean.”
Moving closer, he pulled her forward and let his hands rest on a pair of firm breasts. Cupping them, he used the pads of his thumbs to gently finger the hardened nipples.
She moaned deeply in her throat. “You’re driving me to madness, Redford.”
“You haven’t experienced anything yet, sweetheart.” Then he leaned in and began devouring her breasts.
Seeing them and touching them had done something to him. He believed it had to do with knowing that one day these twin globes would be the source of his child’s nourishment. Whatever the reason, at that moment he couldn’t help but greedily feast on them himself. The more he tasted of her, the more he wanted.
Knowing he couldn’t make love to her breasts forever, no matter how good they tasted, he finally pulled his mouth away and then lowered her to the pillows. He was a man who appreciated beauty, and he was convinced his gaze was taking in the most beautiful creature ever created.
“Now to taste another part of you,” he said, reaching down to stroke her inner thigh. From her expression, he knew the same sensations stirring within him were also stirring within her. When his fingers slowly stroked her feminine folds, the skin there felt soft. He glanced up and saw heat lodged in her eyes and understood. She had confessed to having her dreams like he’d had his.
Knowing he couldn’t delay tasting her any longer, he lifted her legs over his shoulders and put his mouth on her center. His tongue eased inside and found her hot and wet, like he’d remembered. Just the way he liked. First using the tip of his tongue to lap her up and then easing his tongue farther inside, he delved deeper, then retreated to capture her clit. He actually heard himself moan at the same exact time that she did.
Then he locked his mouth down and held tight to her thighs. He had almost three months to make up for, and he intended to do just that. His tongue thrust deeper and he felt the slight pain when her fingers grabbed hold of his shoulders, then the side of his face as if to keep him in place right there. She definitely didn’t have to worry about him going anywhere. He was enjoying the delicious taste of her way too much.
He knew the exact moment her body was about to explode, and he was more than ready for the decadent appetizer he knew awaited him.
Carmen screamed as a multitude of spasms rushed through her body. She was convinced that never had an orgasm been as needed as this one. Her world spun out of control as every nerve ending inside her came alive and shattered her to a million pieces.