Through dazed eyes she saw the moment Redford pulled his mouth from her and lowered her legs from his shoulders. He then eased back to stare down at her while licking his lips. “You taste good, baby. Simply incredible.”

He then leaned in and captured her lips. He kissed her with the same intensity he’d used just moments ago between her legs. Within seconds he had stirred her hunger again to the point where she felt hot blood racing through her veins.

Obviously, the chemistry flowing between them hadn’t lessened any. If anything, it had heightened. The very thought of them making love again caused sensual stirrings to erupt in the pit of her stomach. As if he felt it, too, he moved in place over her.

He continued to stare down at her and she was captured by the beauty, as well as the heat, she saw in the depths of his dark eyes. Moments later, while he still held her gaze, she felt him ease inside of her and fill her completely. Was she imagining things or was his erection actually getting bigger, longer and harder inside of her?

Before she could dwell on that possibility, he began moving. Going in deep and then pulling out. Advancing and then retreating, over and over again, deliberately establishing a sensuous rhythm that had her groaning and moaning. He’d started out slowly, and then, as if he was seized by an overabundance of desire, he began thrusting harder and faster.

She released a series of moans, and he placed his mouth over hers. That’s when their mouths picked up the same mating rhythm as the lower parts of their bodies. She gripped his shoulders as their tongues moved in a frenzy that had them moaning even more.

Regardless of what this was for him, for her it was displaying what she felt for him in a physical way because she would never speak it aloud. This wasn’t just sex for her, it was love.

At the first sign of her orgasm, he pulled his mouth away and she released a scream. She hoped her neighbors couldn’t hear her but a part of her didn’t care if they did. When she opened her eyes to stare up at Redford, his gaze was both hot and predatory. That’s when another orgasm hit and she saw it had hit him as well. Then another, and she sensed a need within them both that was taking over their bodies.

She widened her legs for him, wanting it all, and watched in hot fascination as he threw his head back and the cords in his neck tightened while the solid hardness of him continued to stretch her. The thought of him embedded so deeply within her had her moaning. She felt him all the way to the hilt.

When she screamed his name again, he screamed hers, detonating a barrage of passion that spread through them, seeming to ignite every cell in their bodies. When one orgasm ended and before one scream stopped, another orgasm was beginning to capture them in its clutches.

She could recognize his orgasm from the way he would slow his thrusts, only to start up again in a fast pace, then groaning her name. They kept coming, nearly nonstop. Then finally, as if he refused to collapse on top of her, he quickly shifted his body off her for them to face each other.

He kissed her with a tenderness she felt all through her body while cuddling her in his arms. Before dozing off, she recalled each and every time she felt the essence of him explode inside of her. The hot, molten liquid felt right. Like it belonged only to her, and from what he’d told her, she was the only woman with whom he’d shared himself to that degree. The last time hadn’t been intentional. Tonight, it was as if he hadn’t cared. Probably because she was already pregnant.

Regardless of the reason, it made her smile knowing she had again shared something with him no other woman had. Considering his history with women, that said a lot. But then that wasn’t all. His baby was growing inside of her. Their baby. She cuddled closer to Redford and breathed her happiness into his chest.

She might not have his love, but she would always have a part of him they would share forever.

The sound of Carmen in the bathroom brought Redford awake. He was lying flat on his back in her bed. And it was morning. Memories of their night together rushed through him, lighting his body with a fire that only Carmen could ignite. That had been proven over and over during the night.

He’d been concerned about exhausting her in her delicate condition, but she dismissed his worry and proceeded to show him that the depth of her need for him was just as great as his had been for her. After pleasuring each other time and time again, they had finally succumbed to a peaceful sleep.

He glanced at the clock and saw it was a little past seven in the morning. The sound of her in the bathroom immediately caught his attention again. That’s when he realized she was enduring a bout of morning sickness.

Rushing from the bed, he opened the bathroom door and immediately found her on the floor in front of the commode. Crouching down beside her, he pulled her hair back from her face and then began gently stroking her back, whispering calming and what he hoped were comforting words to her. When she finished, he lifted her to stand in front of the vanity while she brushed her teeth, rinsed her mouth and wiped her face with a cool cloth.

“I didn’t want to wake you,” she said, turning to ease into his arms.

“You should have,” he said, softly, placing a kiss across her lips. “We’re in this together, remember.”

She nodded. “I need to take a shower.”


Moving away from her, he started the water. She removed her robe to reveal her nakedness, and he was glad she wasn’t showing any signs of morning-after shyness or regret. Before stepping into the shower, she glanced over her shoulder, smiled and asked, “Would you like to join me, Redford?”

It was early, yet it seemed the desire in her gaze was just as potent as what she probably saw in his. “Most definitely, sweetheart.”

Typically, he didn’t use terms of endearment with women. However, he’d used a number of them with her last night. For some reason, doing so had come naturally for him. “Besides, I promised to wash your hair today,” he added.

They showered together, tenderly washing each other’s bodies before he began washing her hair. Then they made love in the shower, a novelty for both of them.

After their shower ended, he and Carmen toweled each other dry before he re-braided her hair the way he’d watched Leslie do for her one day and thought he’d done a decent job. He then suggested they go for a walk after breakfast. It was a beautiful day. Instead of walking the neighborhood again, he ordered a car to take them to the National Harbor. They walked at a steady pace along the Potomac River and even visited several shops along the way. Afterward, they returned to her home in time for him to prepare lunch.

Carmen got sick later that day. Considering that was a reduction in the number of times, he thought it was a good sign. She thought so, too. Instead of going upstairs and taking a nap when they returned, she hung out down in the kitchen and kept him company while he prepared dinner. He enjoyed hearing about the classes she taught and how the current bill in the senate was vital for the country’s economy.

Neither said anything about the night before. However, the sharing of smiles, less than innocent touches and stolen kisses whenever they felt like it, spoke of a heightened level of intimacy between them.

Nothing was said about sleeping arrangements but that night they took another shower together. When he joined her in bed, it seemed like the most natural place to be. All he’d intended to do was hold her in his arms; however, she had other ideas.