And it had been amazing.
She knew it might seem silly to someone else to be so excited about a kiss. But that kiss had been spectacular, amazing, breath-taking.
And she wanted more.
Yep, turned out she was greedy when it came to kisses. Well, Ethan’s kisses.
But what had happened after that? How had she ended up in bed?
And why was Ethan sleeping on a chair in her room?
He looked really uncomfortable. He was as close as he could get without actually being in the bed with her. His head was at an angle and she winced as she thought of how sore his neck would be when he woke up.
Maybe you can give him a massage.
Oh. Oh! He’d massaged her last night.
Wow. She’d never experienced anything like that before. And she wanted more.
She was also greedy for massages.
Ethan was making her greedy for everything. Every new experience.
Except for nearly being run off the road.
Right. Her giddiness died away. How had she forgotten that?
Shit. Was that why Ethan was here? Because of that guy? Or was it . . . had she had a night terror?
Flashes came back to her. Ethan carrying her to bed in his arms, cradled to his chest while she sucked her thumb.
Her cheeks grew heated and that was when she realized she still had something in her mouth. She reached up and pulled out her pacifier.
When had she gotten that?
More flashes. Ethan sitting her on the counter. Brushing her teeth.
She didn’t usually remember her night terrors and slipping into Little headspace.
Now she was wondering if that had been a good thing.
Had he really placed her on the toilet?
She started to slide from the bed. Maybe she could sneak out of here without waking him.
And then what?
Are you going to run away just to avoid seeing him?
As she went to put her foot on the floor, she froze at the sound of his voice.
“Don’t even think about it.”
“Think about what?” she asked.
“Getting out of bed until I get your dressing gown and slippers. It’s cold this morning.”
Guilt filled her. He’d been sitting in an armchair all night without a blanket covering him.