“You should get into the bed!” She lifted back the covers and he gaped at her.
Then she realized she’d just asked him to get into bed with her.
Hmm. That wasn’t that bad an idea was it?
God. What was happening to her? She’d gone from hating people touching her to wanting Ethan to come to bed with her.
“I, um . . . I just meant that you must be cold. Nothing else.”
“That’s too bad,” he murmured.
“It is?” Was she reading him right? Did he want to get into bed with her?
“Yeah. Been dreaming about that kiss we shared all night.”
Her eyes widened. “You . . . you have? Was it all right? I might need more practice.”
“We can practice all you like, baby.”
That was a very dangerous offer.
She already felt addicted to him.
“Just kissing?”
His eyes flared open. “Is there something else you want to practice?”
“Well, I haven’t done anything. Before now, I couldn’t imagine welcoming anyone’s touch, let alone . . .”
“Let alone what, baby?”
She swallowed heavily.
“Don’t go all shy on me now,” he told her. “You’re always so brave. And you know I won’t ever make fun of you for your needs.”
She did know that. She’d woken up, panicking earlier over what she’d done. But Ethan wouldn’t make fun of her. Ethan was kind. Sweet, almost.
Yep, a really sweet man.
She wasn’t even sure how he’d managed in the armed forces. He seemed too nice to ever harm someone.
“What would you like to practice doing, my baby?” he crooned, leaning forward.
Wow. She felt a bit like a fly trapped in a spider web. Licking her dry lips, she gathered up her courage.
“Touching you.”
“Hmm. Where would you touch me?”
“I guess your shoulders. They’re nice and broad. And your chest. Your stomach. Definitely your buttocks.”
“My buttocks?” he queried.
“They look so good in your jeans when you bend over,” she said with a sigh. She sounded almost lovesick, but she couldn’t help it. “So grabable.”
“Grabable?” he repeated.
“Yep, like firm watermelons.”