Page 131 of Guardian Daddy

“Baby, you’re all right. I’m here. Everything is fine. I’m right here. Open your eyes. Cate, wake up!” he commanded.

She woke up with a gasp and looked around. Ethan waited to see if she knew where she was.

She was breathing heavily, shivers rocking her body.

He should have known that she’d have a nightmare tonight. After everything that happened, it had been kind of inevitable.

Was she going to slip into Little headspace now? Would she get upset at him being here?

A whimper escaped her, but it was slightly muffled, and he drew back to see that she had her thumb in her mouth.

He guessed that answered that question.

“Hey, Catie-pie, are you all right?” He winced after asking that.

Of course she’s not, you idiot!

She let out a small whimper that broke his heart.

“Oh, baby, come here. Come cuddle into Daddy.”

Don’t push too hard.

“Do you want to tell Daddy what you were dreaming about?”

She shuddered, and he tentatively wrapped his arms around her. When she just sighed and leaned into him, he tightened his hold.

“All right, we don’t have to talk about it. We don’t have to talk about anything. We can just be.”

She was different from the other night when she’d woken up almost cheerful. She’d been sassy and effervescent.

This Cate was a shell of that Cate and he didn’t like it.

“Do you want Daddy to take you to bed?” he asked.

Another shudder and a small whimper.

Fuck. He was making a mess of this. He’d take the reins tonight and if she grew upset with him, then he’d back off.


He hoped he could.

“Daddy is going to take you to bed. You and Lady need some proper sleep.”

She clasped her arms around neck tightly, as though she thought he was going to let her go.

Not happening, baby.

Not ever happening.

Standing, he held her cradled in his arms as he walked to the bedroom.

Shoot. She probably wanted to pee first. And brush her teeth. How much help did she need?

Yeah, there were a few questions he really should have asked her already.

But then things had been moving relatively fast and he hadn’t wanted to overwhelm her. The most important thing had been to get her to believe that he wanted her, that a relationship between them could work.