“Do you need to pee?” he asked.
She nodded.
He carried her into the bathroom, placing her down on the toilet seat.
“Can you take off your pants and panties yourself?” he asked.
She looked to him, then down to her pants as if she hadn’t realized she was wearing them. She still had Lady held tight in her arms.
Then she nodded. He let out a breath of relief. Not that he didn’t want to help her. Hell, he’d do everything for her if she let him.
Something else to discuss.
“Let me take Lady while you pee.”
She frowned.
“I’ll just put her right over here.” He pointed at the bathroom counter.
While she was peeing, he got her toothbrush ready. He found a spare one and hoped she wouldn’t mind him using it since he didn’t want to leave her long enough to go and get his own.
When the toilet flushed, he turned back to find her swaying on her feet.
Leaping forward, he caught her up in his arms.
“Okay, Catie-Pie. No more walking for you.” She’d only gotten a few hours’ sleep and it wasn’t enough to replenish what she’d lost since Samantha had moved in.
He set her down on the counter, watching her closely to ensure that she had her balance. Then he raised her toothbrush up.
“Open your mouth.”
She wrinkled her nose and shook her head.
“Do you want to brush your teeth yourself?”
He made sure not to let his disappointment show on his face.
She shook her head again.
What could be wrong?
Hmm. “Open your mouth for the choo-choo train. Choo! Choo! Chugga-chugga!” He moved the toothbrush back, then bounced it toward her mouth.
For a moment, she just stared at him.
Wow. You made a dick of yourself, didn’t you?
But then she smiled, and he breathed out a sigh of relief. He wasn’t used to feeling all of this uncertainty. Maybe the reason he’d started to grow bored at the club was because he’d become complacent. There had been no real connection with anyone there. He’d been coasting along and not challenging himself.
Well, if he’d wanted a challenge, he sure had one.
And he couldn’t be fucking happier.
After he finished brushing her teeth, he handed her Lady, and brushed his own as she watched. She looked so sleepy, sitting there.
He wanted to bundle her up in his arms and keep her close all night.