Page 10 of Wild Bred

Me (12:10pm): It’s a lot more pleasant to have a little light, you know. Here, let me show you. Hopefully this photo goes through…

Reid (12:11pm): Jesus. How many candles do you have? You’re going to burn that place down.

Me (12:12pm): I’m being careful. I’m not an idiot, Reid.

Reid (12:12pm): Said the woman who tried to turn on a light switch during a power outage.

Reid (12:12pm): Fuck. I’m sorry. That was mean.

Reid (12:15pm): Mackenna? I’m sorry. It was a dumb joke.

Me (12:21pm): Oh! No, it’s okay. I wasn’t offended. I just heard a loud bang and stepped outside to make sure everything was okay.

Reid (12:21pm): Is it?

Me (12:22pm): Yeah. A branch hit the office. Scraped up the siding. But it’s fine.

Reid (12:23pm): Okay. Glad to hear that.

Reid (12:23pm): And I don’t think you’re an idiot.

Me (12:24pm): Hah. Thanks.

Reid (12:24pm): Seriously. You’re anything but that.

Me (12:25pm): You sure know how to flatter a woman…

Me (12:25pm): Ugh. That made it sound like I’m fishing for compliments. Can we change the subject?

Reid (12:26pm): Fine by me.

Reid (12:26pm): But, for the record, I think you’re pretty impressive. I don’t know how many people could do what you do.

Me (12:27pm): Aw. Thank you, Reid.

Reid (12:28pm): Jesus. That was some intense lightning. You see that?

Me (12:28pm): I did. It was scary, but…beautiful, too.

Reid (12:28pm): Yeah. You’re right. It was.



Mackenna (8:27am): Good morning, Reid! Just a heads up, there are some large branches out on the road. I cleared what I could but the bigger ones were too heavy for me. Let me know if you need any help cleaning up your property, ok? Also, thanks for keeping me company yesterday. It really helped take my mind off worrying. And you were right, the animals are all okay. x

It’s been an hour since Mackenna texted me, and I still haven’t replied. Texting with her yesterday during the storm was…okay, fine. It was nice. But in hindsight, I don’t think it was such a good idea.

Because now there’s this thing that exists that didn’t exist before. A back-and-forth that can only be a distraction.

I frown at her text from this morning, reading it for the third time. That little x at the end of her text makes my chest twist with discomfort. What is that? A kiss?

Fuck me. I can’t have her texting me kisses.

I shove my phone into my pocket and grab my keys. The jagged edges bite into my palm as I close my fist around them. As I step out of my apartment, my boots squelch against the doormat that’s still soaked from last night’s storm.

Half an hour later, I’m driving past Mackenna’s sanctuary, keeping my eyes straight ahead. Sure enough, shortly after I pass by her place, there are several huge branches obstructing both lanes.