Page 9 of Wild Bred

Me (10:32am): Hey. Crazy storm, huh?

Reid (10:41am): Sure is.

Me (10:41am): You aren’t on the new property, are you?

Reid (10:44am): Nope. I’m in my apartment.

Me (10:45am): Ok. Good.

Reid (10:50am): Everything ok at the sanctuary?

Me (10:51am): As okay as things could be. I sent Justin home and I’m hunkered down in the office since all of our emergency supplies are in here. All I want to do is go check on the animals. Poor things. I wish I was cuddling with them through this damn storm.

Reid (10:51am): For God’s sake, stay inside.

Me (10:52am): I’m not actually going to do it. I’m just worried about them.

Reid (10:52am): I’m sure they’ll all be fine.

Reid (11:21am): You doing okay?

Me (11:22am): Sort of. I keep hearing branches fall outside. I’m a ball of stress right now. I keep worrying about the animals. Thanks for asking, though.

Reid (11:23am): I’m sure they’ll all be fine.

Me (11:23am): Are you a robot, Reid? You said the exact same thing earlier :)

Reid (11:24am): Not a robot.

Me (11:24am): Ah. But how do I know you aren’t just a robot saying you aren’t a robot?

Reid (11:25am): Guess you’ll just have to take my word for it.

Me (11:25am): I guess I will.

Me (12:02pm): Power just went out here.

Reid (12:03pm): Same.

Me (12:03pm): And of course I walked into the other room and tried to turn on the light switch.

Reid (12:03pm): We’ve all been there.

Me (12:04pm): It’s so dark out. It feels like it’s night.

Reid (12:04pm): Yeah.

Me (12:05pm): You have an emergency light or something, right? Or candles?

Reid (12:06pm): I’ve got a flashlight, if I need it.

Me (12:06pm): So you’re telling me you’re sitting in the dark. You know what? I’m not surprised.

Reid (12:07pm): What’s that supposed to mean?

Me (12:07pm): Nothing. It’s just very…you.

Reid (12:08pm): Right.