Page 55 of Love on the Ice

Silence consumes us, and I know he is as deep in his own thoughts as I am in mine about this shit. If I could talk to Lorelai myself and not through her friends and roommates, I would feel a hell of a lot better right now.

But she’s not answering or responding to me, so that’s out until I can see her and explain in person. I know that once the misunderstanding is cleared up, we’ll be fine. Because that’s all this is, and we’re still new. She doesn’t know everything about me and can’t trust me implicitly yet.

But she will.

My stomach twists at the thought of her being hurt in any way. If he’s touched a hair on Lorelai’s head, I will hunt him down and put him down like the rabid animal he is. He shouldn’t be teaching anyone. He shouldn’t be allowed to be free to walk the streets, either. Not the man he is, taking advantage of his students.

I’m usually not someone who takes much of a stand on things. People can do whatever the hell they want to do in their lives. But this is something that I cannot just sit back and watch happen. This man, in power, uses that to blackmail and assault women. It’s not okay.

That teacher’s going to find out what’s coming from the school of hard knocks. My lips curve into a smile just thinking about getting a piece of him before he’s turned in to whatever authorities he needs to be turned in to.




The police report is finished. I have a report number and everything. Soon, I’ll also have a copy. The officer also handed me a pamphlet about filing a restraining order against Professor MacDonald. I have to go to the courthouse tomorrow morning and start the process.

All of my girls have been by my side since everything happened, to the point where I haven’t been alone for even a moment. I’m not sure that I ever want to be alone again. Just a few hours ago, I was happy to be alone and listening to my music and working, but I don’t think I could ever do it again.

“Have you told him yet?” Sky asks.

Karlie is sitting on the chair in the corner of the room, her gaze flicking to me before she returns her attention to her phone. Nobody has asked me about Reid since everything happened. It’s almost as if he no longer exists. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not, but it’s clear that they’re treading lightly.

I honestly don’t even know how I feel about the situation with Reid. I haven’t thought about it since the laundry room. And now that the initial shock has worn off, I think I’m okay with it all. Reid made me no promises, and I made him none as well.

Whatever happens, happens.

Which is the biggest lie I’ve ever told myself. I’ve fallen for this man, and there’s no denying that, no matter how hard I try to tell myself that I haven’t. I truly have. I want to keep him forever. He makes me feel not just alive but also beautiful.

I don’t want him to be an asshole.

Pinching my eyes closed, I hope, so much hope, that it was all a misunderstanding. I can’t imagine that Reid, the way he is with me, would do what it looks like he did, but I have to remember that I don’t know him. Not really, anyway.

“No,” I say. “I haven’t talked to him.”

Karlie lets out a grunt, but I ignore her, assuming she’s watching TikTok or something on her phone. I take a deep breath. I try not to sound like a lovesick fool, but also, I am just that. I want to burn all the red flags. Every single one of them.

“I don’t know what to say. After everything, I just don’t know.”

Sky reaches across the sofa and wraps her hand around mine, giving me a squeeze. “I believe everything is going to work out.”

I laugh softly, wondering if this is all part of whatever plan was out there for me. Bad parents, no money, being blackmailed and then assaulted all to be cheated on, but not really, by a guy I’ve fallen in love with, but I can’t tell him that because I’m just some booty call.

Yes, I’m sure this is the way it was all meant to be.

But instead of giving her a smart-ass response, I just smile. I’ve been through enough. They’ve helped me through enough. It doesn’t matter if I’m feeling pessimistic. I shouldn’t bring her optimism down. I’m not that person.

So, instead of complaining or saying anything rude—I smile.

“I’m sure it will,” I whisper.

I lie back against the pillow on the sofa and close my eyes. Sleep calls to me, as it has done since everything happened. But it’s not quality sleep. In fact, it’s the worst sleep of my entire life. Letting out a heavy sigh, I roll to the side and hope I can rest.

What feels like seconds later, my body jostles. It feels as if I’m being lifted into the air. My eyelids flutter open, and I look over to see that I am in the air. And I’m being carried up the stairs of my home by Reid.

I open my mouth to tell him that I’m mad at him, but he shakes his head once. “No, baby. We’ll talk, but I’m exhausted. We need to sleep.”