And without another word, he places me down on the bed before he begins to strip down to his underwear. I don’t have enough strength to ask him any questions or tell him to go away. It seems he doesn’t have much strength either. He climbs into bed, wraps his arm around me, and pulls my back against his chest.
Then I feel his lips touch the side of my neck. He doesn’t say anything, though. I hold my breath for a moment, then let it out slowly. Only then does he choose to speak. As he does, his breath washes over my neck where his lips just touched.
“The video looks bad, but it’s not. She’s just a girl I knew in high school. It wasn’t anything. You are the only one for me, Lore. Now rest.”
His arm squeezes me, and then there is nothing except silence. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel, but my entire body relaxes. My eyes close, and I melt against him as I fall asleep.
For the first time in days.
Professor MacDonald isn’t watching me. I’m safe in Reid’s arms, and for the moment, I feel like maybe I can trust him. I can tell him how I feel about him—maybe. Hope swells inside of my chest again. I know it’s stupid to even have it, but I also feel like hope will always be on the precipice, ready to tumble over the edge.
I roll onto my back, look up at the ceiling, and let out a sigh. My eyes burn, I’m exhausted, and I’m sure Coach is going to scream at me for leaving the group, renting a car, and driving the entire way home in one go.
But I couldn’t sit on that bus, possibly staying somewhere overnight at the halfway point after I’d found out what I had.
Lorelai needed me—needs me.
I’m not going to make her go through any of this shit without me. The fact that all the shit happened with Professor MacDonald when I was out of town already makes me feel sick to my stomach. I feel like I’ve let her down as her man, that I’m not able to protect her.
So, I drove the twenty hours straight, and I’m here, but I’m fucking exhausted. Glancing over at the nightstand, I pick up my phone, which I placed on the charger last night and grunt at the time. I only slept five hours.
There is movement beside me and a sigh. Turning my head, I watch as Lorelai shifts to her side, her eyes slowly fluttering open as her gaze connects to mine.
“Good morning,” I murmur, reaching over and cupping the side of her face. Sliding my thumb along the apple of her cheek as I stare into her eyes.
Lorelai’s tongue peeks out and slides across her bottom lip, wetting it. An invitation that I am all too willing to accept, but only after the air has been cleared and I am certain she knows where she stands with me.
Which is on top of a pedestal.
Because she’s amazing.
Out of this goddamn world, amazing.
I’m keeping her—forever.
“Morning,” she exhales.
I hum and lean forward, touching my lips to her wet bottom one, then rest my forehead against hers. There is a long moment of silence before she lifts her hand and wraps her fingers around my wrist.
“You said last night…” Her words trail off.
Sliding my nose alongside hers, I roll onto my back, wrap my arms around her, and bring her with me, holding her against my side. She doesn’t speak, and I stay quiet for a moment, just enjoying the way her body fits against mine. I just wish we were both naked.
“Rylee was waiting for us after the game with her friends. She called my name, and when I turned around, I realized I knew her from high school. I invited them to hang out in the lobby of our hotel. Turns out she goes to college in Colorado, and she and her friends go to hockey games for fun. She recognized my name and wanted to tell me how proud she was that I’d made it.”
Lorelai doesn’t speak. Tilting my chin slightly, I look down into her eyes. She doesn’t respond, but her eyes are on mine, her lips parted slightly. I smile as I continue to watch her.
“We spent some of the evening catching up, but the rest I spent telling her all about this amazing girl I met and how into her I am.”
“Reid,” Lorelai whispers.
I hum as I slide my hand up the center of her back, curling my fingers around the back of her neck, holding her still. She doesn’t say anything else. She doesn’t fucking need to. That breathy whisper is all I need, all my dick needs.
I’m ready to be inside of her. It’s been too many hours. I crave her.