“I don’t know man. She acted like she didn’t want to be around any of us.”
“Too bad for her. She doesn’t get that option with me.” I go where she goes. She doesn’t have to talk to me, but I’ll be damned if I leave her alone after all this. I’ve already failed her by not telling her everything the moment I found out.
“What, Marco? Say whatever you want. You’ll be wasting your breath. I’m going to pick her up and take her home.”
“I just think we need to do what’s best for Lauren.” I scoff.
“Why start now, Marco? You haven’t been doing what’s best for Lauren for over a decade.” My eyes meet Morelli’s. My words are meant for him, and he knows it.
“You don’t know the whole story.” Morelli’s excuses do little to quiet the rage I feel over Lauren being abandoned.
“But I know you. I know you don’t stop until you know all the facts. I know you don’t give up easily. But you gave up on her.” Morelli hangs his head in shame. “You stopped digging. You let her go. I won’t make the same mistake.”
I’ve had about all I can take of this conversation. I’ve said what I needed to. Now I need to see Lauren. My body is feeling itchy with the need to hold her and make sure she is okay.
I begin to say my goodbyes. My dad hugs me hard. “Call if you need something. Say goodbye to your mom. I’m sure she has food packed up for you by now.” He’s reluctant to let me go. Usually, I stay at home the whole weekend. I can’t do that without Lauren here.
“Thank you,” I tell him.
Thank you for accepting me as your own.
Thank you for never giving up on me when he did.
Thank you for loving me.
I didn’t realize until this moment how often I took his love and encouragement for granted. I hope one day I can tell him.
I start to walk toward the kitchen when Morelli speaks, stopping me in my tracks. “I’m glad she has you James. You’re a good man. I couldn’t ask for anyone better to love her.”
“I’m glad you feel that way. If everyone gets what they want, we will all be a family one day.”
The drive to Sydney’s house is quick. I could make the trip with my eyes closed I’ve been here so many times growing up. Mostly on my bike. Marco and Enzo live two streets over and Koa lives around the corner.
I don’t even knock on the door. I let myself in and make my way toward the living room at the back of the house. Nash is sitting with his dad watching highlights from the early football game.
“Hey man, sorry to interrupt. I’m here for Lauren.” Nash swivels his head toward me. His brows furrow together, and his lips flatten. He gets up and tells his dad he’ll be right back.
I follow him into the kitchen. “Enzo and Marco are Lauren’s brothers? What the hell is going on? Were you going to tell me?” I don’t want to get into this now. I want to get Lauren and take her home. I want to talk to her right now, not Nash.
“It wasn’t my story to tell. I didn’t even tell Lauren,” I explain. Nash shakes his head in disbelief. “Yeah, I know. Is she upstairs with Syd?”
“She left about thirty minutes ago.” Damn it. I knew I shouldn’t have let my mom trap me in a conversation. “Syd let her take her car. I’m not sure where she went though. Lauren didn’t say much when she left. You realize this is crazy, right?”
“I do.”
“What are you going to do?” Grovel, beg, plead.
“Whatever it takes.”
I question Syd to see if she has any idea where Lauren was heading. She told me Lauren wanted to be alone. With very little information to go on, I leave asking them to text me if they hear from her.
Lauren could be anywhere, but she also doesn't like change. I don’t think she would stray far from the places she usually goes to.
I’m going to check Lauren’s dorm first.
The campus is deserted with only a few cars in the parking lot. I go inside anyway. Maybe she parked somewhere else and walked for whatever reason. After knocking a few times with no answer, I use her key and let myself in.