Page 103 of Easy Out

Lauren gives me a quick nod and a reassuring smile. ‘Talk to me’ she mouths. I like it when you talk to me. Her words from months ago calm the panic that has me itching to jump out of this seat and run away.

“We have been preparing for the season with conditioning, batting practice, fielding drills, and workouts. The same as we did last year,” I answer not taking my eyes off Lauren.

“You made some incredible plays today. Which one was your favorite?”

“My favorite play was the one that ended the game.” Lauren smiles and shakes her head, laughing at me.

“It’s rumored that you are likely to be drafted in the first round. How do you feel about that?” Being drafted has been the single most important thing in my life for a long time. It’s kept me focused on something positive and moving forward toward the future and not stuck on my past.

My eyes stay trained on Lauren in her oversized sweater, leggings, and puffy jacket that probably does nothing to keep her warm. She’s wringing her hands together and biting her lip waiting for me to answer. “I’ve never been more excited about my future.”

Lindy asks a few more questions about the game, the team. She even gets personal with questions about my favorite foods, movies, perfect date, and musical tastes before I’m relieved from my duty and Koa is called.

“You did good man,” Koa says as we cross paths on his way to the interview.

“I had a little help.” I nod up to the stands. My heart is beating faster than it should be now that I’m done with my interview.

“She showed up?” He’s surprised but there’s also appreciation in his smile.

“Yeah. She did.” I leave Koa to do his interview and take long strides toward Lauren. I hop over the barrier wall easily and land a few feet from the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Lauren meets me halfway, throwing her arms around me. “You did so good. I knew you could do it. I’m so proud of you.” Lauren dips her head and turns it just enough to fit under the bill of my hat to give me a kiss.

“You’re here,” I say still in disbelief that she showed up to support me without being asked. “What about your project?”

“Of course, I’m here. If I had known you were going to have these interviews today, I never would have made plans to work on the assignment. We still have a few days to get it done. Cassidy would have understood. It is for a silly elective anyway. It’s not as important as this. As you,” she admits.

I hold her in my arms and bury my face in her neck. I inhale several deep breaths. Even in the winter, she smells like a warm summer day. I drop Lauren back on her feet and start leading us out of the stadium. I can’t do this here with so many people around. Not to mention cameras and a microphone.

“Hart? Is everything okay?” Lauren asks, stumbling to keep up with me and my quick pace to somewhere more private. I keep walking until we’re back inside our training facility and behind the closed door of an exam room.

Lauren glances around the room taking in the small space. There isn’t much here. An exam table, a light box for viewing x-rays on the wall, a cart full of basic medical supplies. The rooms are mainly used for our trainers to massage cramped muscles, tape up sprains, clean up any minor injuries. That sort of thing.

“Hart?” Lauren whispers. I’m trying my best to rein in my emotions.

“Why are you here?” Her eyebrows bunch together.

“I wanted to support you. I knew this was a big deal for you. I wanted to be here. I didn’t want you to be alone.”

“But why, cariño?” I lift her and place her on the exam table. I need to see her face. I need to look her in the eyes when she answers me. “Why did you drop everything and come to me?” I latch on to her thighs right above her knees. “How did you know I needed you?”

Lauren palms my cheeks. “Because I love you.” My eyes close. My body shudders. “I have complete faith in you. You are a man who can do anything, but I know you. There is still a little boy in you that is hurt. I thought if you saw me, maybe you could just talk to me. I’m here because you show up for the people you love.” Lauren’s words are soft, but I hear them like a war drum echoing through the mountains.

Her declaration wraps around me, silencing any insecurities and doubts I’ve had about not being good enough. Because as much as I hate it, they were still there telling me that no one wants a guy who can’t talk to people. That no one can love a guy like me.

But she does.

I cut the small distance between us and brush my lips against hers. Her hands wrap around my neck deepening the kiss. Proving to me just how much she loves me. I pull her as close to me as I can with this stupid jacket on before I break away from the kiss I started.

“I tease you about putting me under a spell. That the voodoo doll you have actually works.” She rolls her watery eyes. “But the truth is, it wasn’t magic that made me fall in love with you.” Lauren’s breath catches in her throat. Did she think I didn’t feel the same? “It was your heart. The way you see people. The way you see me.” I wipe a tear that makes its way down her cheek.

“You…you never questioned my silence. You never pushed me. You accepted me as I was.” My hands search under her jacket and sweater until they find a soft sliver of skin. She’s so warm and sweet. “You are everything to me. I need you to know that. I need you to understand that you are the most important thing in my life. Nothing matters if you aren’t with me. Te amo, cariño. I love you so much.”

“You really love me too?”

“Not too, cariño. I love you period. There is no prerequisite of you loving me. If you ever stop, I will still love the fuck out of you.”

“You don’t have to worry about that. I don’t plan to ever stop loving you.”