How did your project go?
Good. Almost done. Do you want to come over? Watch a movie? Or not watch a movie?
Not watch a movie is code word for have sex.
Just in case you didn’t pick that up in text.
Damn it, if that offer doesn’t sound appealing to me right now.
I have to do an interview for the paper first. They are doing some kind of video highlight reel thing.
Panic starts to surface again. It’s the unknowns that are triggering my anxiety. Maybe if I had a list of questions, it wouldn’t be as bad. I could prepare myself. Practice some. Texting with Lauren is helping but she can’t be here with me.
That’s happening today? Why didn’t you tell me?
I didn’t know until they showed up for the game.
Oh, okay. You may not think so right now but you can do this. Keep your answers simple and concise. You don’t owe them your life story. You tell them as much or as little as you want. I believe in you.
Her words break loose something in my chest.
Thank you, cariño. I have to shower and get ready before Coach is on my ass. I’ll text you when I’m on my way over to not watch a movie with you.
Bubbles appear and disappear. Then eventually stop. I put my phone back in the safe and head to the showers. Might as well get this torture over with before Coach makes it worse.
A camera is situated on a tripod right inside the first base line facing left field. It’s focused on a single directors’ chair. A student reporter with a clipboard directs the camera man and another student holding a boom mic around.
The cooler weather is doing nothing to stop the sweat from beading on my forehead. I’m wearing our Newhouse baseball sweats and sweatshirt as requested by Coach Lawson. I lift my baseball cap and wipe the sweat off my brow.
“James Hart.” The dark-haired reporter approaches me. “Hi, I’m Lindy.” She holds out her hand. I recognize her from one of my classes. “We better get started. Have a seat.” Lindy gestures to the lone chair on the infield.
“This is Chuck and Henry. I’m going to ask you a question off camera. You will need to repeat the question as part of your answer. For example, I might ask, what was your best play of the game? Then you’ll respond, ‘My best play of the game was…’ and then give your answer. Sound good?” I nod. I don’t have much of a choice but to agree with her.
“Great. Boys are you ready?” They make a few last-minute adjustments and tell Lindy they are good to go.
Lindy glances down at her clipboard. Then up at me with a tight-lipped smile. Did Coach tell her I was going to be difficult?
“How have you and the team been preparing for the upcoming season?” My eyes flick from Lindy to the camera. My hands grip the wooden arms of the chair so tight they might splinter. A throat clears drawing my attention back to Lindy. “Whenever you’re ready.”
“We.” I clear my throat. Lauren’s words filter through my brain. Simple and concise. “Sorry.”
“No problem. Take your time.” Lindy’s words are polite, but her smile has all but disappeared. Probably like her patience with me. I’m messing up her timeline. Several of my teammates are waiting in the dugout for their turn in the hot seat.
I stare down at the ground, close my eyes, and take a deep breath. I can do this. I focus my attention back on the camera. But out of the corner of my eye I see her standing in the front row. The same spot she watches me practice every week.