“You make me want things I’ve never wanted before. Not just physically.” My eyes widen at her honesty. I try to ignore the hundreds of ways I want to please her with the touch of my hand. My tongue. My cock. It isn’t easy, but I know there is more to her confession.
“I want this with you. I want all of it. That is a scary request for someone with my past. A home. A place to belong. It’s all I ever wanted. But I was never enough to keep it. To put that trust in you isn’t easy, but I want to.” She lets out a shaky breath.
“People don’t stay for me.” My heart fractures for this woman. I hate that she has been through all that shit.
“I will. I will stay. I’m not leaving, cariño.”
“Aren’t you though? Newhouse was supposed to be a clean slate. I changed…” She closes her eyes and bites down on her lip. “I didn’t come to Alabama for this.” Lauren waves a hand between the two of us. Well, that’s too damn bad. “I don’t know where I’m going to be after I graduate any more than you do.”
I drop my head closer to hers. “I know exactly where you will be, cariño. Next to me. Voy a donde tú vayas.”
“You can’t say things like that, Hart. Your future is up in the air even more than mine. You have no idea what team you will end up playing for. You could be drafted for some team across the country.”
“Then you go where I go.”
“I’m not going to do that,” she says quietly. “You will get tired of me, and then what?” I laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“It’s funny that you think I could ever get tired of you. It’s funny that you think I could ever walk away from you.”
“Everyone else has.”
“Sí Cariño, you’ve been pushed aside, overlooked, left behind your entire life. For some reason, people find it easy to let you go. You’re not the easy out to me, cariño. You are not someone I will ever leave behind. That’s why you were made pint-size. I can take you everywhere I go.“ I hug her as she rolls her eyes.
“I want to believe you, but I’m a realist, Hart.”
“I like it when you call me James.”
“Okay, James. What will happen when you get drafted to a team in New York or California or Canada?" Her hand flies around as if she is pointing to each state or country on a map.
“I am not going to Canada." She levels me with a look. “I’m serious. My mamá will not allow me to go to Canada under any circumstance. Let’s not worry about what we don’t know. We’re together now. Stay with me tonight." I press down on her twitching eyebrow. Mi amor is always thinking too hard. “I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
Lauren kisses me and says, “Please don’t,” against my lips. A possessive growl escapes my mouth. My hand goes to the back of her head as my lips and tongue tangle with hers.
I pick her up and flip her onto my bed. Lauren breaks the kiss long enough to pull her shirt over her head. “Brujita,” I groan. Lauren’s breasts spill over the cups of her bra tempting me.
“Your turn,” she tells me, pulling up my shirt, stroking my abs with her nimble fingers. I grab the neck of the shirt at my back and pull it over my head in one movement.
Lauren licks her lips, and her eyes fill with desire. I love that she doesn’t hide her attraction to me. Lauren is anything but coy. She may be inexperienced, but she knows what she wants.
I lay down and line our bodies up. One of my thighs nestled between hers. My cock aches against her side. When she grinds against my leg, I let out a strained curse.
I kiss, lick, and bite between her breasts, pulling down the straps of her bra as I go. Lauren’s quiet whimpers and moans embolden me. I unhook the clasp in the back of her bra and remove the lacey contraption completely. Throwing it on the floor with my shirt.
Feeling Lauren’s silky skin against mine as we kiss is intoxicating. An addiction is forming without my consent. Not that I would stop it. I’ve already craved her presence around me. Now my need to touch her will be incessant.
Lauren reaches for the buttons on my jeans, but I stop her. Why? I don’t know. I want her to touch me. God, do I want her to touch me. I’m afraid it would be too much, too fast. My cock has only known my hand.
“Please, James.”
“You want to touch my cock, cariño?”
“Yes.” She palms me over my jeans. I suck a breath in through my teeth and swallow a groan. Many have tried, but no one has ever been this close to me. Her hand on me feels too good and she hasn’t really touched me yet.
“Mierda. Sí, cariño. Sí.” I’m practically begging her now. Lauren deftly unbuttons and unzips my jeans. I wiggle them off my hips and kick them off my legs. “Wait.” Her eyebrows scrunch together questioning me. “You first. Let me make you come on my fingers.” Lauren dips her chin. “Words. I need your words.”
“Okay. Yes, please James.” I kiss her while I give her pants the same treatment she gave mine. Lauren tries to help me remove them hastily, but I wave her off. I want to savor this moment.
“Let me.” I maneuver around the bed on my knees until I reach the perfect angle to peel her pants off her body. I kiss down her toned legs as more skin is revealed. “You're beautiful,” I say and kiss another freckle.