“So,” Marco starts. “You and Hart. I thought I saw a spark of interest that night at the club.”
“We’re…I don’t know what we are.”
“It’s cool. You don’t have to explain anything to me. I don’t want to hear what is happening between Hart and my…my new best friend.”
“Best friend. That’s a bit of a stretch don’t you think?”
“Why can’t we be best friends?” The pout he makes has me laughing.
“I have a best friend already. I don't think she's willing to share."
“I’m a cool dude. There's room for me and Syd.” Why is he pushing this?
“Maybe, but I’m not interested.” He considers me for a moment. I can sense he’s frustrated with me.
Should I tell him it's nothing personal? I don’t know how to be any other way. I don’t know how to let people in. What’s the point when they always leave?
It’s better this way for everyone.
“When did you learn to dance?”
“I’ve been dancing most of my life.”
“Then you can teach me something.” He claps his hand and pops up off the couch. “A little one two step.” He does a little jig with jazz hands. Laughter bursts out of me.
“Please stop,” I beg. He doesn’t and I finally grab his hands and hold them still. “You look absurd.”
“This is why I need you. Teach me something that will impress my girl.”
Marco has an infectious way about him. He is easy going and carefree. He reminds me of Wyatt in a lot of ways. You can’t help but feel light and happy when you’re around him.
For the next thirty minutes I teach Marco a few body roll and hip thrusting moves along with some footwork sure to impress any of his lady friends.
By the time Hart comes into the room to get us for dinner, Marco and I are both in tears from laughing. Hart’s silence is nothing new, but for the first time it’s heavy and tense.
The silent treatment lasts throughout dinner and the drive home back to campus.
“Come inside, brujita,” Hart says once we’re parked outside his townhouse. I should say no to his demand and issue one of my own. Why should I go inside with him when he couldn’t be bothered to speak to me all night?
Hart opens my door and waits for me to exit the car. His eyes are filled with a sadness and a pain I’ve never experienced before. Whatever he is about to tell me, I need to hear.
I hope my heart can take it.
I throw my keys on my dresser and kick off my shoes. I’m being irrational, but this is what Lauren does to me. Between my feelings for her and the voice in my head that keeps reminding me who I was years ago. I’m having trouble functioning.
I was the loser. The kid everyone made fun of. The kid girls didn’t want to be seen with. Let alone be attracted to. Even my own dad wanted nothing to do with me. The kid with the stutter.
Why all of this is coming up tonight, I don’t know. But seeing the way Marco and Enzo were interacting with Lauren triggered something.
Enzo was asking questions about my relationship with Lauren with a stern look on his face. Almost like he was unhappy that we had started dating. Why is he even concerned about it? He’s never been this protective over any of the other guys. Is he worried that Lauren is going to hurt me?
And then Marco. That bastard. Flirting with Lauren. I watched them for a while in the living room. Dancing and laughing. What the fuck was that? I want to be the guy who makes her laugh. I want to be the guy she dances with.
The only guy.