“Group home? You were in foster care?” I nod. I’m a little surprised Hart didn’t tell his parents. Sylvie dices a red pepper aggressively and curses.
“It wasn’t a bad place. I was never hurt or anything.”
"Sí. That’s good. And you’re here now. With familia." She calls me family like this is where I was always meant to be. Like I belong here with her, Stephen, and Hart.
And here comes that flicker of hope I don’t dare believe in because I want to belong. I want to be with Hart. When I’m with him it does feel like home. I’ve felt a serene comfort with him from the moment I stood next to him at The Warehouse.
When Matt came over to us, it was Hart I edged closer too. It was Hart I searched for in the crowds. It was Hart I thought of when I went to sleep that night.
The door that leads to their garage bursts open suddenly. “I’m just going to say hi. Calm down, Hart.” A voice carries through the kitchen. I recognize him from the club. Marco.
“Mamá,” he says to Sylvie, kissing the side of her face. “Lauren. How have you been?” He asks as Enzo and Hart enter the kitchen.
Hart stands behind me and places a possessive grip on my hips. Hart must give him a non-verbal warning above my head, if Marco’s smirk says anything.
“Good. You?” He chuckles.
“I think we can move past one-word answers now. Don’t you? I’ve been amazing. Thanks for asking. I’ve been pitching burners. And I’ve got a new girl.”
“You always have a new girl. Let’s not act like this one will be around long enough for you to find out her last name,” Enzo says tersely. I have a feeling this is how he talks. Stiff and impassive.
“She knows my last name,” Marco defends.
“It’s on your fucking jersey numb nuts.”
“Language!” Sylvie scolds. Shockingly Enzo apologizes.
Stephen calls out to Hart from the garage asking for his help.
“You two are helping,” Hart says to Enzo and Marco. “He wants all the pavers moved from the garage to the backyard.”
“Coach said I’m not allowed to lift anything other than my bat with my pitching arm. I can’t risk an injury before the season starts.”
“You make the jokes too easy, Marco. Your arm will be fine. Let’s go.”
“No, I think I’ll stay and talk with Lauren.” Marco grins at Hart. He doesn’t mean anything by it. I can see he is playing around with Hart. Maybe because I’m the first girl he’s brought home?
Either way, Hart doesn’t like it. He locks his arm around me and pulls me flush against his chest.
“Fine. Let’s get this over with so we can eat. I’m starving,” Enzo says, his eyes narrowing on Hart’s left hand which is still pinning me in place.
“Are you good?” Hart asks, spinning me around so we’re face to face. “I didn’t know they were going to be here.”
“It’s okay. Go. I’ll be fine.”
“Alright.” He grabs my face. Then kisses me hard, marking me as his. “I won’t be long.” Hart walks out the door and I’m still gripping the countertop trying to catch my breath.
How can he recover so fast?
I pat my cheeks hoping it might cool them down. Sylvie gives me a knowing grin. Marco is smirking at me too. I reach over the island and push his shoulder telling him to knock it off.
“What can I do to help?” Marco asks. I’m about to answer him but Sylvie beats me to it.
“You are not cooking in my kitchen, Marco. Why don’t you and Lauren go talk in the living room. Get to know each other better.” Why would I need to get to know him better? He is one of Hart's closest friends. Maybe I should make an effort even if it's hard for me.
“Okay,” I agree. I wash my hands at the sink before following Marco into the living room. The furniture is modern and in neutral shades of white and gray. The artwork on the wall screams bright and cheery. There is so much color. It’s exactly what I would expect from Sylvie Hart.
Marco takes a seat in the middle of the couch. I opt for one of the side chairs anchoring the room.