Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he does see a future with us. Why would he be trying to teach me about his business if I was nothing to him?

During lunch, Leon is attentive and keeps reaching out to touch me. He runs his hand across my leg, or brushes hair behind my ear. He touches my cheek and rubs his thumb over my lips.

I should be torn between accepting his romantic gestures and pushing him away because he’s been so cold lately, but the truth is that I am desperate for this. I want this. I want his tenderness and his attention.

So I soak it in, enjoy it, embrace it and hope that it never ends.

After our very special lunch, we head down to one of the middle floors of the building, where Leon’s office is. His personal assistant welcomes us in and hands him a file, letting him know all the accounts are up to date.

“Sasha, this is my personal assistant, Melissa. Melissa, this is my beautiful wife, Sasha.”

He looks proud when he introduces me, and I feel my cheeks flush.

Just then, his phone rings. “Excuse me. I’ll be right back.”

Leon pulls his phone out of his pocket and disappears into one of the rooms to the side to take the call in private.

I wander around the reception area of his office space, admiring the artwork. and Melissa returns to her desk.

She calls out, “Sasha, can I make you some coffee or get you some sparkling water?”

“Oh, no thank you. I just had lunch.”

“Leon was quite excited to set the lunch up for you.”

“Was he?” I grin.

“He—" Her desk phone starts ringing. “Sorry, I need to take this.”

I nod and turn my attention back to the gorgeous statue near the window.

“Sasha?” Melissa calls out.


“It’s for you. I’ll put it through to the office and you can chat in private.” She points me towards a gray door, and I tilt my head in confusion. Who would be phoning me here? It doesn’t make any sense.

“Um, okay. Thanks,” I reply, walking into the office as she transfers the call to the desk there.

I feel nervous tension building in my stomach as I reach for the phone.

I pick it up and press the receiver against my ear.


“Hello, my darling daughter.”

My stomach churns and I feel as though I might throw up.

How did he know I was here? What am I supposed to do?

“Sasha, darkling. Have you missed me?”

“Dad,” I mutter, my throat tight. His voice sends horrible shivers through my body that remind me of how much hate I have for this man.

“Listen, darling, I’ve made arrangements for you, and you can come home now. All you have to do is get away from his guards, and I will have my men standing by to take you. They will bring you straight back to me where you belong. If you let me know where and when you think will be the best time, that would be even better, so I don’t have to waste time following you around everywhere.”

“Waste time,” I mutter again. I still can’t believe he is calling me.