“Okay, man. I’ll be right in.”
I walk away from him feeling like I’ve let him down in some way. I just don’t understand how.
Chapter 22 - Sasha
Our family holiday ends, and Leon and I return home. I still haven’t found the courage to tell him that I’m pregnant, because he’s been a bit distant since we had that fight at the cemetery, and I’m really unsure about what our future has in store.
I am convinced that he sees me as nothing more than a pawn in his game of revenge. I had hoped for more than that, but realizing how deeply set he is in his need for vengeance, I just can’t see myself being anything else to him.
I don’t know what that means for my baby. Or me.
We’ve been home for two days when Leon approaches me early one morning.
“Sash, do you want to come to the spa with me? I have some things I need to take care of there, and I thought maybe you would enjoy getting out of the house a bit?”
“I’d love to. Definitely. When are you leaving?”
“Five minutes?”
“I’ll go get ready.”
The invite surprises me because we’ve hardly spoken, yet when he spoke to me just now, he seemed friendly and back to how he was before the fight.
I guess I will just embrace whatever it is for now and enjoy the day. I’ve learned to appreciate the small moments in my life that bring me joy, no matter how brief they are.
On the way there, Leon is chatty and telling me about how the business runs, which interests me quite a lot. I like the fact that he is trusting me with all of this information and talking to me as though I understand the intricacies of business. He explains not only the front, but the underground money laundering part as well.
We park outside and Leon quickly gets out to open my door for me.
When we walk into the spa, he has his hand on my lower back, keeping me close to him.
“Good morning,” he says warmly as we walk towards the reception. Two of his employees are there and they both smile broadly at him.
“Mr. Dubrov, we’ve missed you. We got everything ready like you asked.”
“Thanks so much, ladies. I really appreciate it. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“You’d struggle.” They both laugh and Leon walks away chuckling.
He leans close to me and whispers, “Come on, I’ve got a surprise for you.”
His voice is deep and seductive, and it sends shivers down my spine.
He’s being so warm and sweet to me.
He guides me into the elevator and presses number twelve.
Leon leads me into one of the upper-level spa rooms, where he has arranged to have a very romantic lunch set up for us. There are candles and roses and the most spectacular view of the city.
“What is this?” I ask, stunned.
“I just wanted to spend a little bit of time with my wife.”
“Oh.” I stand, still shocked. This is incredible.
“Also, I want to show you the ropes around here after lunch. I’ve explained how things work, but I thought you might be interested to see it first hand and get a little bit involved in the business.”
“Are you serious? I’d absolutely love to do that,” I say excitedly.