Danny scoffs and jumps back. “What the hell?”
“I don’t know,” I say, trying to catch my breath.
My throat burns and I look up at Danny bleary eyed and trying to stop myself from puking more. It doesn’t work.
After five minutes I think my stomach is empty.
“Dude, you okay?” Danny asks from the driver’s seat where he’s hanging out watching me suffer.
I nod and wipe my face with my sweater sleeve.
Falling into the seat, I pull the door closed with a shaky hand.
“Let’s get you into bed.”
And for the first time, he’s not being sexy or trying to fuck me when he says that.
Danny drives too fast and gets me home and in bed.
He sits on the edge of my comforter. “Thanks for tonight. It was nice…”
He looks at me with a warmth I’ve never seen before.
“Goodnight Cole.”
“Night Danny.”
The front door closes and I realize it’s gonna stay unlocked because I’m only leaving this bed to puke.
Next to the glass of water is a bowl.
Okay so no need to leave the bed at all. Perfect.
Slowly, the employees filter into the office one by one.
Anthony is one of the first, as usual, perky and ready to get shit done. He’d be the model employee if only he didn’t talk so fucking much.
It’s a quarter past nine when I look at Cole’s empty desk. Everyone’s in their seats except him. I hate thinking he’s late because he was with Danny. That broad shouldered man who had him before me, and now after. He must be good in bed.
I check my emails and the program where they can request time off. Maybe he and Danny are tangled in the sheets right now. Or Danny’s got Cole flat on his back, knees spread, back arching from a good sucking…
There’s nothing.
I pick up my phone. Maybe he thinks he gets to text me and use special privileges since I fucked and sucked him.
The thought makes my chest twinge. It was more than that… I cringe because that’s just as bad. He’s my employee. There’s no room for anything else.
I push away my turbulent thoughts. This guy has my brain muddied.
Cole may be a slacker here and there, but overall he’s up there with Anthony. He wouldn’t no call no show except for an absolute emergency.
Somehow my thoughts can race faster than before and drum up the most horrific, heart lurching mental images.