“I guess you’ve been so respectful of the rule that maybe you’ve forgotten it.”
He nods. “Yeah, I’m used to following rules.”
I try not to cringe at his answer, regret at my insistence over this silly rule of mine.
We pull into the driveway and I park the car outside.
He tries to think and I can tell he’s getting frustrated. Or fearful.
Finally, he gives up and sags into the seat.
Now I feel terrible. This was supposed to be fun, not frustrating.
“Come on, let’s go inside.”
We both get out and he goes to the trunk.
“Leave our stuff for now.”
He listens. It’s strange bossing him around. I tell myself it’s for a good reason and to kiss him extra tonight to make up for it.
I grab his hand and lead him up the stairs. I give him a once over.
“Why are we going in the front? And not parking in the garage?”
Normally I adore his curiosity and how observant he is. I’m too damn nervous at this moment to appreciate it now.
“Open the door.”
I pull out my phone and a smile cracks through the confusion. He knows something is up. It’s all come down to this moment.
As soon as he clicks the door and pushes it open, there’s popping sounds and strobe lights and people yelling, “Surprise!”
We’re suddenly surrounded by people. I’m shocked at how loud the echo is from everyone’s voices and the little confetti pops. My head swims a little but I push it away. This is Oliver’s moment.
Of course, Lilla races over to him first and swings her arms around him as if they’ve been besties for years.
“You didn’t tell me you were getting engaged!” Lilla says in the most high pitched voice. The way she narrows her eyes, I think she might actually be mad.
Oliver tries to interject on her rambling that we’re not engaged, but he can’t get a word in edgewise. She quickly smiles and gives him a big hug after making him promise they will go wedding suit shopping together and get her dress together.
Chance waits patiently then goes in for a hug.
Oliver looks back at me searching for an answer. I try not to laugh because it reminds me of how he described when Lilla and everyone at the fourth of July party assumed we were boyfriends and he had no opportunity to correct them.
Chance keeps chatting away, and asking about the nudist pool before he’s shoved to the side by a train of people. They wish him a happy birthday and I record all of it.
After nearly thirty minutes I stop the recording and he turns to me with tears in his eyes.
I’m afraid he’s overwhelmed and annoyed until he whispers a thank you and he goes in for a chest hug. Wrapping my arms around him, I kiss the top of his head and whisper to him.
“Happy Birthday, Ollie. I love you.”
“I love you too!”
I clear my throat and try to ignore the sounds of photos being snapped of us. All I can think is how lucky I am. That, and why people have the sound on their phones.