Page 75 of Jonathon, After All

His desires often got the better of him but Jonathon never got tired of being taken roughly against a wall or in the garden or on a table in the hallway during a ball…

Leo had thought himself incapable of love and was prepared to live without it in order to appease the Foundation and carry on the von Hessen legacy. But that was not the legacy his parents had left Leo. They had loved boldly and defiantly and their love had saved the von Hessen dynasty. It had also saved Leo and he was determined to honor their legacy by loving Jonathon boldly and defiantly.

And that, to Leo, seemed entirely fitting for a margrave of Austria. What better way for him to spend his days than as a patron, adoring an artist as he painted Austria’s mountains and her Danube? The Foundation seemed to approve. The board and its members had commissioned several pieces from Jonathon. But they’d have to wait like the rest of the politicians and celebrities on the waiting list.

Jonathon’s work was already causing an uproar. He had made a series of Instagram posts documenting his return to art and the work he was creating at Schönbühel and critics and art lovers were immediately hooked. Not surprising Leo or anyone who truly knew Jonathon. He already understood how to capture people’s attention and keep them clicking from years spent “pretending” to be an influencer.

Harnessing that talent with his artistic abilities had propelled Jonathon to instant stardom, but he was able to keep the attention and adulation online, in his phone. Their lives remained relatively quiet and private until the wedding. That had been intentional on Leo’s part, of course. He wanted all the pomp and all the attention for Jonathon.

Starting with a lavish winter house party at Schönbühel. Leo’s brothers found their way back to Austria in one piece in time to help him welcome Max, his husband, Reid, and their daughters—the Princesses Sophia and Mia. Riley and Giles Ahby had come from America as well, with their son, Milo, and daughter, Luna.

The Ashbys had become particularly close friends, so Leo was pleased to see Elio making an effort to befriend Milo. They were like oil and water, though, and it was amusing to see Milo giving Eli the cold shoulder as the families dined together, played games, and gathered to watch films. Lord knew Eli deserved it and it only spoke well of Milo’s judgment.

There were sleigh rides, ski trips, and cozy evenings by the fire. Leo had tasked Sabine with keeping everyone thoroughly entertained since the weather would keep them indoors most of the day. And because there were children, and Riley, there were plenty of sweets and opportunities for them to visit the kitchen to help with cookies and other treats.

The wedding had been a simple, yet romantic affair on the back terrace, overlooking the winter garden. The Archbishop of Vienna had presided with Max and Muriel standing with the grooms. Leo had worn a classic black tuxedo, an overcoat, and gloves, while Jonathon had looked breathtaking in white. His tuxedo and cape had silver accents and trim, making him even more ethereal and starlike as they exchanged their vows.

Leo was glad there were plenty of pictures as he planned to surprise Jonathon with a lifesize portrait on their anniversary. As far as Leo was concerned, he could never have too many portraits of Jonathon and cherished each one. Especially the nude over the fireplace in their bedroom: an early wedding gift from Jonathon. He was lounging on a chaise with a novel and just a scrap of silk for modesty. Jonathon usually rolled his eyes whenever Leo praised it because he was indifferent to his own body. But Leo felt such a rush of pride and lust whenever he looked at it.

He felt it now and there was a profound sense of satisfaction as Leo watched over Jonathon. Their wedding may have been a quiet and simple affair, but Jonathon’s ball had been spectacular. Leo had decreed that it would be the event of the season and an unparalleled spectacle of elegant extravagance. Jonathon deserved nothing less and Leo wanted all of Austrian society and the rest of the world to know just how proud and lucky he was.

And it would be an annual ball.

Not just because Leo would always want to celebrate Jonathon and their love, but because that was also part of Sabine’s punishment. The decadent house party, wedding, and the ball to end all balls had all been Sabine’s responsibility and Leo had instructed her to make all of Jonathon’s wishes come true. And Leo had instructed Jonathon to be as difficult and extravagant as he pleased.

If Jonathon wanted flaming hoops, Sabine would have a lighter ready and smile as she jumped through them. That had been Leo’s order and she had complied, much to Leo’s accountant’s chagrin. Schönbühel hosted four-hundred guests in the castle’s ballroom and gardens, all transformed into a dazzling white and silver wonderland. Jonathan had cried and said it was too much when Leo presented him with one of his grandmother’s tiaras as a wedding gift.

He wanted Jonathon to feel like the star of the evening and the only star in Leo’s sky and Sabine had certainly accomplished that. Leo wasn’t satisfied yet. He was ready to put the past behind them, but he wanted more than amends, he wanted faith.

That was why he had sent for Sabine and murmured softly for her to enter when she tapped on the door to their suite at midnight.

“In here,” Leo said after she paused in the sitting room and leaned and looked warily through the opened bedroom doors.

She took a few cautious steps before hurrying to Leo’s side, then turned away as soon as she spotted Jonathon. “Really, Leo!” she whispered, clutching the collar of her blouse.

“You know he doesn’t mind,” Leo drawled with an appreciative sigh, his head falling to the side as he stared shamelessly at Jonathon.

Jonathan’s back was to them and red handprints marred his soft, round ass and a glistening ribbon of cum adorned one of the cheeks. If he were awake, he would have stretched and rolled about on the bed or strolled to the sideboard for a glass of wine. Jonathon never covered himself or scurried away in shame if Sabine walked in on them. He wanted Sabine to know that he was loved and loved well.

That had become Leo’s only objective and he enjoyed using Sabine as his proxy whenever possible. She owed it to them—mostly Jonathon—to help Leo love him to impossible extremes and to make their lives utterly joyful.

If Sabine was able to make peace with her actions and find happiness for herself, so be it. Markus appeared to be happy and all had been quiet in Leo’s world so he stayed out of their business.

“I know he doesn’t,” Sabine said with a soft laugh and shook her head at the nude over the fireplace. “I envy his confidence. Was there an actual reason you summoned me, or did you feel the need to flaunt your new husband once more before turning in?”

“Perhaps both,” Leo mused as he rose and went around the bed, smiling at Sabine as he trailed a finger over Jonathon’s calf. “He is my future, Sabine. This is what matters most to me now.”

She nodded, her gaze locked on Leo’s. “I understand and I will never undermine your relationship again. I’m so sorry and I’ve done everything I can to make up for the pain I’ve caused the two of you. I’ve spent the last year as your assistant and his champion and I will continue to serve both of you effectively and loyally for as long as you will allow me to.”

“That, I have faith in.” Leo offered her a salute. “You’re the most competent person I know and you wouldn’t waste your time here if you didn’t believe that there was still important work to be done. You’re even more vital now that I’ve taken a step back from work,” he conceded. “You are the face of my foundations and initiatives and you are the reason the Foundation tolerates me. But I cannot allow you to stay unless I can trust you with this,” Leo whispered as he lowered and kissed Jonathon’s shoulder. “This is my future and he is my life. I made a vow today to honor and protect him and you cannot be my right hand if you can’t make that vow as well.”

“I do!” Sabine insisted in a hushed whisper, taking several steps closer until her knees almost touched the bed. “I see how wrong I was about Jonathon before and I…love him now. More like a little brother,” she added hesitantly and mouthed an apology at Leo. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for him.”

“Good…” Leo nodded slowly as he considered her. “Jonathon has made his peace with you and I might be open to your return to Schönbühel as my right hand if you have learned from your punishment and I can trust you with him.”

Sabine nodded quickly. “I know you had intended for it to be, but none of this has felt like a punishment. Even from Vienna, I can see that your life here at Schönbühel is complete with Jonathon. We’re all happier, not just you, since we came back from America. And I see that it’s because of Jonathon and how much peace he brings to your life. Planning the house party and the wedding were a joy, Leo, and I can’t wait to make next year’s ball even grander than Jonathon’s first ball.”

“Really?” he asked her with a large dose of skepticism, but she nodded and smiled lovingly at Jonathon, no longer bothered by his nakedness.