Page 76 of Jonathon, After All

“I adore him and I see just how perfect he is for you. And he has been incredibly noble and taught me a great deal about class and grace,” she added, surprising Leo.

“Has he?”

“Of course,” Sabine said with another soft chuckle as she watched him. “I didn’t deserve his kindness or his friendship, but he’s been very gracious over the last year and I felt like I was truly given a second chance. I haven’t taken that for granted and having a friend who understands what you’re like has been a godsend,” she confessed.

“Really?” Leo repeated and frowned slightly at her. He had observed the two of them growing closer during her visits and Leo sensed that a friendship had formed. But he had never considered that they might conspire against him. “Just how close are the two of you these days?”

She smiled and shook her head in disbelief. “I think he might be the first real friend I’ve ever had. I’ve never had someone I could share things with, without feeling judged or looked down upon if I wasn’t perfect. Not until Jonathon came back into our lives. Now I have a friend, and I have Markus, and we’re even thinking about adopting a child,” she added in an excited rush.

“A child?” Leo blinked at her, stunned. He had expected to have the upper hand for this particular conversation, but Sabine had knocked him off his feet with that one.

“Not a small one, of course!” she said quickly, her eyes widening with panic. “A baby would be too terrifying, but Markus and I have agreed that a child would be lovely. We’ve both wondered if we’d missed out by not having children and we have so much to offer. Jonathon thinks it would be a brilliant idea and he’s actually excited about having a little person to go exploring with and to give painting lessons to,” she said and Leo became alert.

“Perhaps he or she would enjoy hiking and horses,” he said, making Sabine gasp and cover her mouth.

“Imagine you and Markus with a little hiking companion!”

“I think you and Markus would make wonderful parents,” Leo predicted and decided he would do what he could to encourage this addition to their little Schönbühel family. “You’re both caring and patient people and we have more than enough room here,” Leo said quietly, then chuckled. “I’m rather looking forward to being an uncle. I’m not sure if my brothers will ever find decent spouses or have children, so this might be my only shot,” he told her and Sabine groaned in agreement.

“Thank you. I think you’ll make a brilliant uncle,” she said with a pained wince. “I had high hopes for Matteo, but he might be having a little too much fun, playing the rebellious playboy. Maybe Matteo and Theo should stay here, instead of returning to New York,” she suggested, but Leo rolled his eyes.

“I wish they would, but Muriel has given them her place while she’s here with us. Theo’s having far too much fun exploring New York and New Jersey and pretending to be a blue collar tourist and Teo’s taken Manhattan by storm.” Leo gave his head another shake and sighed. “They’ve already said goodbye and are probably boarding a plane as we speak.”

“They are grown men. We’re going to have to accept that,” Sabine said with an irritated huff, making Leo smile. She saw them as her brothers too and Leo had taken that for granted over the years. He suspected that he had taken a lot of things for granted.

“I can forgive the past if you will promise to protect and care for Jonathon as well as you have for me and my brothers. And if something should happen to me, I want your word that you’ll look after Jonathon in my absence. Not because he can’t take care of himself—he’s incredibly self-reliant. But because he’s spent too much of his life alone thanks to his parents, and society for treating him like he was as shallow as his parents, and because of us. I don’t want Jonathon to be alone ever again, and I want him to always know that he is loved.”

Sabine nodded. “I consider him my family now, like you and your brothers and Markus. I will never act against your wishes again. When it comes to Jonathon, we’ll always want the same thing,” she said sincerely.

“Good. And goodnight, then,” Leo said with a bow, dismissing her.

He waited until he heard the door click to untie and shed his robe, letting it fall to the floor. Leo felt like a true prince as he set his knee on the bed and kissed the arch of Jonathon’s foot and then his ankle. He kissed his way up Jonathon’s leg and thigh, stopping to pay homage to a perfectly round asscheek and Leo growled in delight as he licked off the cum.

“What time is it?” Jonathan yawned and stretched, but he remained still as Leo parted his cheeks and lapped at his hole. “Oh. It’s that time, is it?” he purred, arching his back and raising a knee so Leo could feast.

“Mmmm…” he rumbled in delight at the taste of his own cum on Jonathon’s skin, drilling with his tongue and eliciting whimpers of lustful longing. Leo cherished them and allowed Jonathon’s need to stoke his desire until it was rabid and ruthless. “Lube,” he ordered as he rose and sat back on his heels. He coated his length with shaking hands and pulled Jonathon's hips back, impaling him to the hilt on Leo’s shaft.

“Yes! Please make it hurt! Fuck me hard, sir!”

“As you wish, mein Süßer…” Leo’s hand swept up Jonathon’s back and into his hair, twisting tight. “As you wish,” he ground out, bucking slow and hard and grinding deep with each thrust. And oh, he was so deep, deep, deep in slick, gripping heat, Leo had never felt anything as exquisite. Pleasure swirled in his core, heavy and hot while Jonathon chanted Leo’s name and begged to be used in the filthiest ways imaginable.

“I want you to finger me at the opera tomorrow and make me suck your cock during an aria,” Jonathon panted, the visions setting Leo’s libido on fire as he imagined doing reckless, scandalous things in the von Hessen box while Muriel nodded off in the next box over and the rest of the audience enjoyed the opera.

“I wasn’t looking forward to going, but now I can’t wait,” Leo said with a wicked grin. “Shall I fuck you behind the curtains?”

“Yes!” Jonathon cried and his body jerked and shuddered and Leo’s cock was gripped ruthlessly tight. “Fuck me at the opera!” he giggled breathlessly.

Leo nodded, unable to do much more as his control crumbled, his hips pumping wildly as he pinned Jonathon to the bed. “Scheiße! Ich komme!” A hot plume of pleasure spread from his core as Leo’s nerves flared, burning bright before he imploded. “Jonathon!” he shouted as he slammed forward, cum bursting from his cock, deep in Jonathon’s ass. “My Jonathon,” he said, winded as he carefully lowered, staying joined as he curled his body around Jonathon’s. “Mein. Auf immer und ewig,” he whispered against Jonathon’s cheek. “I love you so much, mein Süßer.”

“I love you too and I couldn’t be happier, Leo.” He hugged Leo’s arms and shimmied in even closer, making a contented sound. “My life has felt like a fairytale since we came back from New York and those years we spent apart feel like a bad dream and I barely think of them now.”

“Good,” Leo humphed. “I will consider forgiving myself when you never think of them and you only have good dreams.”

Jonathon gave his arm a swat and shushed him. “I always feel like I’m dreaming, everything’s so perfect. You and Sabine and Aunt Muriel and Frau Fischer… Even Markus. You all spoil me, but you. Are. The. Worst, Leo von Hessen. I might be the most pampered of all the archduchesses thanks to you.” He gave Leo’s arm little jabs to punctuate each accusation, making him smile.

“I am happy to accept the charges. And what will my punishment be, mein Liebster?” Leo said and nibbled on Jonathon’s ear, making him shiver.

“A lifetime of my devoted servitude, sir.”