Page 69 of Jonathon, After All

“Yes!” Jonathon threw an arm around Leo’s neck. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” He attacked Leo’s lips. “I will always be yours!” he said, laughing and crying.

“And you could leave New York City and live in Austria with me?” Leo asked carefully, praying Jonathon understood that Leo would need to return and spend much of the year there if he were to remain Margrave.

“I could happily live in Austria with you,” Jonathon said through his tears. “I’m so tired of my life—of life here in New York—and I just want to be with you. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

“Alright!” Leo laughed as he tightened his arms and rested his forehead on Jonathon’s. “I have a few homes and the margraviate has several properties we can use, but I don’t care where we live in Austria as long as you’re happy. We can get a place in London or Paris or Rome if you don’t want to live there all year,” he suggested, but Jonathon didn’t hesitate and shook his head.

“Can we go back to Schönbühel?”

“You want to go back to Schönbühel?” Leo croaked, he was so overcome. “I haven’t been able to go back. I was so afraid of how much I’d miss you—and us. But I can’t think of any place I’d be happier now than at Schönbühel with my Jonathon.”

A tearful gasp burst from Jonathon as he traced Leo’s jaw. “Take me back and never let me go.”

“Never,” Leo promised and closed his eyes, breathing Jonathon in and savoring the feel of them, together again. He was finally complete after years of feeling like he’d lost a chunk of his heart and his soul, and Jonathon felt just as magical as Leo had remembered and fit so well in his arms. His lips nudged Jonathon’s and Leo’s legs began to shake, he had never needed a thing as badly as he needed to kiss him. “Oh, bitte, bitte, bitte,” he begged.

“Leo.” Jonathon’s hand slid under the lapel of Leo’s coat, deftly undoing the buttons on his vest.

“Mein Liebster,” Leo groaned raggedly. His tongue swept around Jonathon’s and Leo drank his ecstatic cry and tasted his tears. “Mine.” The arm around Jonathon tightened and Leo’s other hand slid around the back of his neck and into his hair. Leo was finally home and he would never allow anyone or anything to part them again.

“Leo!” Jonathon’s plea was muffled as he pushed his face into the corner of Leo’s neck, kissing, nuzzling, and licking. “I can’t wait any longer. I’ll scream if you?—”

Leo cut him off with a kiss. “I should feed you first,” he said and Jonathon gave Leo’s tie a firm yank.

“I will scream, sir,” he stated with a pointed look.

“I suppose it can wait,” Leo replied and sighed dramatically. He shed his coat and tossed it at the sofa, then danced Jonathon up the stairs. But Leo couldn’t wait. He scooped Jonathon into his arms and hurried to his bedroom. “I’ll do my best to be patient,” Leo mumbled against Jonathon’s lips, grunting when his shoulder clipped the doorjamb.

“Don’t,” Jonathon said as he was laid onto the bed and Leo quickly unlaced his Converse. They were slipped off and tossed over Leo’s shoulders. “Is this a dream?” Jonathon asked as he shimmied out of his jeans and boxers.

Leo threw his vest and shirt aside, then crawled over him. “It feels like a dream,” he said softly, leaving kisses on Jonathon’s knees and thighs as he made his way to his lips. Leo paused when he reached Jonathon’s hard-on, inhaling deeply and letting out a hungry groan before nuzzling his navel, savoring the smell of his warm, aroused body. He remembered that Jonathon didn’t want to be loved there and they both shivered when Leo’s fingers trailed along the cleft of his ass. “And this feels like home,” he whispered as he caressed Jonathon’s hole. “I will taste you here soon, but first, I have to see you and hold you like this,” he explained in a gravelly mumble, kissing and rubbing his face all over Jonathon’s stomach and chest and his neck. The feel of his body, so lithe and restless was now precious to Leo and he was so profoundly grateful just to hold Jonathon again.

“Yes! Home!” Jonathon babbled bits of words as Leo’s lips and tongue washed over his skin, licking and nibbling at goosebumps, earning watery gasps and giggles. “I feel like I’m finally home and my body… I can feel it again and I’m so happy whenever you touch me.”

Their limbs tangled as they rolled, arms and legs winding around each other as their hands spread and gripped at backs and asses. Leo kicked away his briefs and trousers, and gave in, drunk on the feel of Jonathon’s body. He was so warm and luscious as Leo licked and sucked at Jonathon’s taut, quivering navel and the corner of his hip.

He had just enough sentience left to hit the brakes before they went too far. “Verdammt!” Leo’s head popped up. He blinked and squinted around the room, then pushed off the mattress.

Jonathon got his elbows beneath him and frowned as Leo rolled away and leaped out of the bed. “What…?”

Leo muffled a swear as he pushed open the bathroom door and headed for the vanity. “Condoms. Lube.” he growled as he opened his toiletry bag.

“Probably just the lube,” Jonathon called after him and Leo’s heart skipped, then raced. He went to the door and leaned around it, a brow arching warily.

“Are you sure? ”

Jonathon bit into his lip and shrugged. “I’ve done a lot of stupid things, but I stayed mentis enough to make sure there was always a condom and I’m on PrEP. I got tested a few weeks ago and everything was clear. I haven’t been with anyone since then and I can show you if we find my phone.”

“I don’t need to see it,” Leo said as he strode back to the bed with just the bottle. “It’s been…a while, but I had a physical a few months ago and I’m in perfect health. With the exception of my ulcers, and I still get migraines.”

Jonathon rose on his knees and stopped Leo, setting a hand on his chest. “I’ll see what I can do about those,” he murmured, distracted.

His gaze wandered down Leo’s body and he was suddenly conscious of the little changes to his own physique since they had last seen and touched each other. He was even more solid and wider and there was more hair across Leo’s pecs and a thicker trail leading to the base of his cock. That had gotten fuller and heavier as Jonathon stared at it, then gripped it firmly.

A strained grunt wafted from Leo, but he closed his eyes, allowing Jonathon time to get reacquainted and take stock of what was his. “Have I changed much?”

Jonathon nodded, licking his lips. How was it possible for a mouth to look angelic and designed for the most wicked deeds? Leo wanted to taste them, then lick and bite various other parts and suck on each of Jonathon’s fingers and his toes and taste his…

“Good changes,” Jonathon said with a weak laugh, risking a glance at Leo’s eyes.