Leo shook his head. “Not at all. Now, let’s put Sabine behind us and enjoy the rest of our day,” he decreed before putting on his ball cap and secret glasses and sweeping Jonathon out of the hotel and into a cab, of all things.
They spent the day hopping in and out of cabs and dropping onto train seats as Jonathon continued to show Leo his favorite parts of Manhattan and New York City. They visited the Lower East Side, holding hands as they explored Chinatown and Nolita, enjoying dumplings, knish, and pizza. Since they were both “Catholic,” Jonathon showed Leo St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral before taking him to the M’Finda Kalunga Garden in Sara D. Roosevelt Park.
It was a perfect day, as far as Jonathon was concerned. They talked and laughed as if the years after Schönbühel had never happened while enjoying the city incognito like regular people and he truly fell in love with Leo all over again.
And he wanted Leo just as badly as ever, but had to settle for a brief but hot kiss in the hallway outside of 6A. Leo scrambled Jonathon’s brain, then kissed his knuckles and wished him a goodnight like any decent prince would before bowing and leaving.
“He can’t mean it. He won’t make us wait the whole week,” Jonathon said—hoped—and went to tell Muriel and Tilly about the showdown with Sabine and his magical day on the Lower East Side with Leo.
It had cost Leo several restless nights, but he had meant it when he said they couldn’t be intimate again unless Jonathon was absolutely certain. There was no way Leo could get on a plane and fly back across an ocean without Jonathon after touching, tasting, and feeling that kind of bliss again. He’d be damned to another decade of torment and Leo had more than his share of regret and frustration, nein dánke.
By the fifth day of their one-week trial, Leo was ready to take command and turn Jonathon’s attention toward the future. “No more disguises,” he had announced after Jonathon arrived at the Plaza for breakfast. “I have been invited to tour Shaller & Weber and have a special lunch there and then we have an appointment at the Cartier Mansion so that I can buy you an engagement gift. I am still rather traditional in this case and would suggest a ring, but will be happy with whatever you choose.”
Jonathon stumbled onto the terrace, gulping loudly. “You want to go to Shaller & Weber and Cartier with me? They invited you for publicity because you’re an Austrian prince. Everyone’s going to know who you are and this haircut won’t fool people who knew me, or of me, for very long,” he warned.
“I hope so,” Leo replied without a single care. “I want to go out now with you as my intended with my head held very high because I refuse to hide. And why should I?” he asked with total sincerity. “I’m proud to have my Jonathon back and I’m looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.”
“Okay…” Jonathon said, nodding weakly. “Would it be possible to revisit that ‘no sex this week’ rule?” he asked and Leo was sorely tempted to give in right there but had held strong. They ate breakfast, then headed out for a lovely day on the Upper East Side. Their tour of the famous German delicatessen and New York institution had been one of Leo’s favorite stops in the city, with many comfort foods from home.
Their visit to Cartier turned out to be rather romantic. They were plied with champagne as they were shown around the iconic building and Leo made sure that Jonathon was treated like royalty. Together, they chose a stunning ring for Jonathon from the design house’s vintage collection that would be redesigned to his preferences and sent to Vienna once it was completed.
It was the last morning of their week-long trial and Jonathon had yet to officially declare his intentions to return to Austria with Leo, but Leo hadn’t officially asked him to either. That’s why Leo was shaking in a black three-piece suit and pacing in the suite’s hallway, waiting for Jonathon to arrive for breakfast.
“In trouble again?” Theo guessed as he pulled on a coat and headed for the elevator.
There was a worried hum from Matteo. “He looks like he’s in trouble, or expecting it,” he noted, knotting a red and white scarf around his neck and tucking it into his trenchcoat.
“No,” Leo replied and hurried to get the call button for them. “No trouble. Things should go much smoother, once you two are out of the way.”
“That can only mean that he intends to make things official with Mr. Hawthorne,” Theo guessed, earning a delighted cheer from Matteo.
“I couldn’t be happier. Mr. Hawthorne will keep Leo on his toes and out of our business,” he said with a jaunty salute.
Leo rolled his eyes, grateful when the elevator doors opened. “From now on, I plan to be far too busy with Jonathon to care about your business.”
“Here here,” Theo said, giving Leo’s cheek annoying pats and Matteo clapped him on the back.
“Enjoy your retirement. We’re off to have brunch with Max and his nannies at this Briarwood Terrace he keeps telling us about,” Matteo informed Leo.
“Sounds delightful,” he said sincerely and gave his brothers a push into the elevator and waved them off.
The doors closed and Leo dusted his hands, happy to have the suite to himself for a few hours. Markus had escorted Sabine and the rest of the team, minus two of his security assistants, to the airport. Leo leaned toward the living room, checking the dining table, and listened to make sure the butler was gone. Leo had requested champagne and they were dining indoors; the day was overcast and too chilly for Jonathon to sit outside.
Leo heard the elevator ding and spun, quickly wiping his sweaty hands on the front of his coat. The doors opened and Leo smiled and offered Jonathon a dignified bow. “Mein Liebster, you are perfection this morning.” He held out a hand, charmed by Jonathon’s oversized black cardigan, red flannel, white T-shirt, and jeans. Leo hoped he had chosen red and white in honor of the Austrian flag.
“Wow! You look…” Jonathan’s lips twisted suspiciously as Leo kissed his hand. “Amazing. Immaculate. But really overdressed. Where are we going? The only thing you told me was that I should be comfortable,” he said and warily accepted Leo’s arm.
“I was waiting until you got here to decide,” Leo replied as he guided Jonathon to the table. He gestured for Jonathon to wait as he poured each of them a glass. “There’s some business I’d like to attend to… A formality, really,” he murmured, stalling as his nerves fizzed like the bubbles in his champagne. He was fizzing with giddiness, not panic or dread, though. Because Leo was fairly certain that Jonathon would say yes and he was utterly convinced that marrying Jonathon was the best thing he could possibly do, as far as his own personal happiness and future were concerned.
“A formality?” Jonathan asked, a wry smile curving his lips as his thumbs tapped against his glass.
“A privilege, actually,” Leo said with a nod. “I’m blessed to have had a second chance and this week to earn your trust and love back, hopefully.” He paused, raising his brows.
Jonathan nodded and his smile started to wobble. “You have,” he mouthed, sniffling as he took Leo’s glass and set both on the table. “Just to be safe,” he explained and Leo’s lips twitched into a smile.
“That’s probably a good call. I am blessed, more than I deserve,” Leo said, so deeply humbled as Jonathon closed the distance between them. He stepped into Leo, resting a hand on his heart. “Marry me, Jonathon, and you will always come first and I will always fight for us. I’ve given the last ten years of my life to the House of Hessen and continuing its legacy. But my legacy will be my love for you, if you will have me,” he said with a shy smile.