Page 45 of Wicked King

That fury rolls through me, the thundering of my heart like a war drum in my ears. My hand moves of its own accord, reaching for the knife on the side table. I bury the blade into Lei’s chest before I take another breath. I twist and stare into eyes wider than the sun. A sun fully eclipsed by the blood of the dragon.

“Holy shit,” Jimmy hisses.

Screams and shouts resound across the room, but they blur into the distance, as if underwater. That familiar, warm presence surrounds me, and I’m vaguely aware my fingers are being pried off the knife.

“Come on, Jia, let go. I’ve got you.” That voice is so soft, so soothing I’m certain it cannot possibly come from the rowdy Italian. But then that pungent bergamot and cedarwood scent reaches my nostrils and slowly my fingers uncurl from the hilt.

Marco stands in front of me, blocking my view of Lei. Based on the shrieks alone, I guess Jimmy is trying to get the blade out. Good luck. I sunk it in right between his ribs, a spot that would prove lethal in no time if left unattended.

“I think you’ve seen enough for today.” Marco laces a strong arm around my shoulders and tucks me into his firm side. I don’t fight it, the anger dissipating along with the rush of adrenaline.

I allow my fiancé to lead me through the shop as Lei’s screams echo all around us.

“Max will get you home, and I’ll be back shortly, as soon as I settle this with Lei.” His gaze dips to mine, and the fury reflected in those mismatched eyes mirrors my own. “I’ll make him pay, Jia. No one disrespects my fiancée and lives beyond the day.”

“No…” I mutter, my head slowly moving from side to side. “I don’t want him dead. Not yet. I want him to witness how wrong he is. He needs to see that I will never bow down to any man.” I squirm free of Marco’s hold and narrow my eyes. “I do not belong to you, and I never will. Are we clear?”

His chin slowly drops to his chest. Then he takes a step toward me, pinning me against the shelf of antique electronics. It wobbles beneath our combined weight, but somehow holds steady. “I respect your desire to rule over these men, and I will stand by your side and provide whatever assistance I can. But it is not in my nature to stand by and do nothing when something or someone I value is threatened. And as my future wife, you will become of great value to me. Maybe you cannot accept that now, but one day, you will.” That heated gaze bores into me, a tempest of unreadable emotions swirling below the surface. We remain like that for an endless moment before he spins away and stalks back into the stockroom.




Jia trudges around the studio, her typically light, ginger steps leaden today. Who would’ve thought moving into a luxury penthouse would be such a death sentence? Despite knowing the move-in day would come for over a week now, she has yet to pack a single box. It’s clear she intends to keep this crappy studio even after we’re married.

Which I should be happy about…

After years as a more-than-content bachelor, having some space to myself and away from my forced marriage should make me giddy with joy. Instead, the idea of being away from her has me pissed off as all hell. In what world would anyone choose this dump over a Park Avenue penthouse?

“The movers are going to be at the apartment any minute now, Jia. I have to meet them there.”

She pops her head around the brick wall and shoots me a glare. “So go without me. I already told you I can manage myself.”

Pushing off the sofa, I round the corner into her bedroom. “You’re seriously only going to bring one piece of luggage?” I eye the bright orange suitcase spread out on her bed.

“That’s all I’ll need for now.”

Yéye emerges from the bathroom and shuffles toward me. The old man has had his suitcase packed and by the door since yesterday. He’s clearly as tired of the tight accommodations as I am.

“I’ll still need to come to CityZen every day, so why move everything now?”

Her grandfather’s lips twist into a scowl. “You intend to keep the studio, baobèi?”

“Of course, I do. I’m getting a deal from the landlord for both spaces. And anyway, even if I did want to move, my lease isn’t up for another six months.”

“I’m sure I could get you out of that,” I interject. “I have plenty of money.”

“As do I, but I refuse to touch a single penny of my inheritance. It’s dirty money and I want no part of it. And besides, I don’t want out of my lease,” she counters. “If I have to work late, I can just stay here instead of having to travel all the way up to Midtown.”

“I have a driver!” I roar, my nerves getting the best of me. “I literally pay him to drive us around.”

“Not us—you.” Those midnight orbs lock on mine, filled with so much defiance, my stupid cock gets hard just thinking about wiping that disobedient smile off her face. Dio, not for the first time I find myself thinking of what I wouldn’t give to throw her across my lap and spank that perky ass raw.

I could if I just got rid of the old man…

Tossing the thought aside for now, I heave in a deep breath. “We are going to be married in less than a week whether you like it or not, Jia. What’s mine will be yours.”