A devious smile reaches all the way up to those bottomless orbs. “Great, what about that black Amex?”
A smirk tugs at the corners of my lips. “We’ll talk about it once you become Mrs. Marco Rossi.”
She snorts on a laugh before fully giving into the amusement, hinging at the waist at the force of her wild cackles. When she finally straightens a long minute later, wiping tears from her eyes, she lifts to her tiptoes and jabs a finger into my chest. “I will never be Mrs. Marco Rossi. I’m keeping my maiden name for business purposes.”
My palm itches to plant one on that pert little ass so insistent on defying me.
Guo stares at me from across the room, waiting for my reaction. Does he want me to keep his granddaughter in line? Is this some sort of test?
“Whatever you want, spitfire,” I grind out. “But the Amex will be in my last name, so it’s your call.” Shrugging, I move to the door. If the moving van arrives to the penthouse before me, I’ll be S.O.L. I may not have much to add to the furnished apartment, but I’ve collected a few personal items Nico has been storing for the past few months.
“Come now, baobèi,” the elder Guo calls out.
With a huff of frustration, Jia stomps to her bedroom. The whine of the zipper closing around her luggage brings a victorious smile to my face.
A familiar blonde stands at the front door of my new apartment, and I let out a muttered curse as I step out of the elevator. Raquel, the realtor, swings the keys from her finger, taunting, and wears a please-fuck-me grin.
As appealing as a much-needed release sounds, I’m no cheater. I may be a lot of things, but disrespecting a woman like that isn’t in my nature. I may have slept around, but I was very clear with the women up front that I did not do relationships. And when I nearly allowed Raquel to suck me off, the arrangement with Jia had yet to be made.
The little dark-haired spitfire might not wear my ring yet, but she is already mine in all the ways that matter.
“Well, hello there, Mr. Rossi,” she purrs as I approach.
Thank Dio Jia and her grandfather were still downstairs waiting with the movers. The last thing I needed was my fiancée crossing paths with this woman.
“Hello, Miss Raquel. You certainly didn’t have to come all this way to bring me the keys. You could have left them with the doorman.”
She closes the space between us and drags her finger down my shirt. “I was hoping we could both come…” Her tongue darts out and slides across her bottom lip.
Clearing my throat, I take a big step back and her finger falls from the button she’s toying with. “I’m sorry if you misunderstood, but what almost occurred between us last time, will never happen.”
“Oh…” Her full lips pucker, and images of my cock in her mouth leap to the forefront of my mind. Nope, definitely not the lips I want. If anything she would be nothing more than a warm hole to distract me from the frustrating Jia who’d already gotten under my skin. And now, damn, am I strung tight. “Are you sure?” She inches closer and her hand snakes out, cupping me through my slacks, and my cock doesn’t even stir at the possibility.
“Raquel…” I rasp out before jerking her hand away. “This won’t happen. Ever.”
“But why?” she whines.
The elevator dings, drawing our attention and forcing Raquel to take a step away. Jia and her grandfather emerge from the elevator with my driver, toting their luggage.
“Oh,” the realtor blurts. She spins toward me and mouths, “You really do have a girlfriend?” I guess she didn’t believe me when I’d told her I was getting married.
But at least she’s somewhat discreet. I nod slowly, and her smile only broadens. “Well, here you go, Mr. Rossi.” She hands me the keys and whirls toward the approaching pair.
Jia’s already scowling, and Guo doesn’t look any happier. They bickered the whole ride over here.
“I hope you enjoy the penthouse,” she calls out.
My fiancée rewards her friendly comment with a sneer, and the old man simply dips his head, the picture of resignation. As soon as the elevator doors glide closed behind Raquel, I release a breath and spear the shiny new key into the keyhole.
It’s been a while since I’ve had my own place and despite my initial reluctance, I’m actually quite eager now. I hold the door open for Jia and Guo, and Rick hangs back with the luggage. “Go check it out,” I call out as Jia moves through the grand foyer. With high ceilings and floor-to-ceiling glass that highlights a bird’s eye view of Midtown, both my fiancée and her grandfather appear mesmerized. “Then I’ll show you the master.”
Jia whirls around and snaps her jaw shut. “I’m not sleeping in the same room as you.”
Guo’s eyes meet mine as he blanches, then looks between his granddaughter and me. Without uttering another word, he shuffles off toward the hallway that leads to the guest bedrooms.
“Jia, we are going to be married, and I expect?—”