Page 105 of Wicked King

“As you should. You would have done no less for my father or brother. And you will do as I command. I am here today hoping to unite the Triad for the good of us all.” I throw my shoulders back and suck in a breath as my gaze moves between each of the males. “I will handle La Sombra’s leaders myself. I simply need all of you to protect our territories here. I need your support and a vow to do whatever is necessary to ensure the safe return of your laodà’s husband.”

Lei’s mouth twists, jaw clenched in a tight line.

I keep my eyes steady on him, on all of them. I only need one to agree, and the others will fall in line, I’m certain of it. Come on, come on.

“Do I need to remind you of the vow you made upon joining the Four Seas and the greater Triad?” I sear Lei with my steeliest glare.

“No, laodà.”

I continue anyway. “‘I vow to protect our family with unwavering courage, to keep our secrets close, and to carry out our missions with skill and discretion. I commit to the prosperity of our organization, to support my brothers in times of need, and to sacrifice for the greater good of our community.’” The entire room stills at my words. “Do I need to remind any of you?” I pin Jianjun in my gaze, then Hao Wei, then complete a slow circle of the rest of the room.

Lei rises, head bowed. “I stand with you, laodà, as I always have, along with my ancestors before me.”

I nod in acknowledgement, biting back the thank you perched on my tongue. They owe you this, you must command their attention, you are their supreme leader. My father’s voice echoes through my mind, the many lessons I listened in on as a child as he instructed my brother in his destiny as heir.

Little did they know I was always listening, watching, waiting.

And now my time has come.

Hao Wei stands next, as leader of the Golden Star, his business typically restricts him to the outer boroughs. “I see no reason not to assist in whatever manner feasible, especially if the threat of La Sombra is legitimate.”

The door whips open and a menacing Italian storms in. “Trust me, it is.”

“What the hell are you doing here, Mr. Valentino?” Jianjun snarls. Marco’s half-brother, Dante, darkens the door, a feral grin on his face.

“Apologies for the intrusion, Jianjun.” Luca appears a moment later, moving in front of his brother. Of the two, the younger Valentino has always been the more diplomatic, the smooth businessman. “We have urgent information for Mrs. Rossi.”

Nico shoves his way into the room, the three big males now crowding the tight space. My head spins to Luca, then jumps to Dante, and finally, Nico. “What is it?”

“We’ve got her,” Nico announces. “We found Blanca Alvarez.”

“Thank God,” I murmur. “Where is she and where’s Marco?”

“In Puerto Rico, just like we thought.” A smile of relief tips up his brother’s lips.

Luca turns to Jianjun, expression carved in stone. “We need the Red Dragons to keep La Sombra busy while we make our move.”

I’d nearly forgotten the Valentinos and Red Dragons had struck an alliance months ago. My gaze pivots to the stern leader of the most powerful leg of the Triad. Would he take an order from the king of the Kings?

Jianjun’s lips thin before his head dips, the move so faint it’s nearly imperceptible.

“Bene. Very well, then.” Luca turns to me, a faint smile tugging at his lips. “Let’s get your husband back.”

When the private jet lands along the gravel stretch of runway in Puerto Rico, my heart skips all the way up my throat. I’ve attempted to remain hopeful, to still all the dismal thoughts from entering my mind. With the Kings, Geminis, and Triad working together for the first time in history as far as I know, there’s no way I won’t get Marco back.

It’s only been twenty-four hours, and already it feels as if I’m missing a piece of my heart. Please let him be okay.

We’ve gone over the plan a dozen times and still, I’m terrified. So many things could go wrong. I was shot only a couple weeks ago, and I’d been lucky. In this life we lead, everything is fleeting. Why did I waste so much time hating Marco for no reason?

I should have given him a chance…

Muttering a curse, I toss the pointless thoughts to the back of my mind. It’s too late now. I can’t change the past, but I can make sure we make the most out of every day to come.

The flight attendant opens the door, and everyone is out of their seats in a wave of movement. Nico moves to my side, his dark brows in any angry tangle. “Are you certain you wish to come? Marco will kill me if anything happens to you.”

I pull my gun out and cock the trigger. “I’ll kill you if you try to stop me.” Giving my new brother-in-law a sweet smile, I march past him toward the exit.

“She’s going to get along just fine with the rest of the girls.” Dante slaps Nico on the shoulder and saunters past, chuckling.