He presses the hang up button, cutting me off from the woman that has become everything to me. Pivoting my gaze, I glare up at the traitorous housekeeper. “What the fuck do you want?” I snarl.
“I want my own empire. I want to rule La Sombra Boricua and raise it to new levels of notoriety.”
“That sounds like a you problem. What the hell do you want from me?”
“Growing up in Colombia, I’m no stranger to this world you thrive in. The Alvarez cartel was once one of the greatest in our nation.”
“I’m not familiar.” Lie. I simply refuse to give the woman what she wants.
“After years of struggling to become someone in my own family, that of five siblings with me being the youngest daughter, I decided to make my own move elsewhere. I’ve studied the crime families of Manhattan for a while now. I understand the inner runnings and what is required to attain the wealth and power I desire. While I hate to admit it, in order to achieve that, I need you. Or more specifically, the Geminis and Valentinos on my side. And just to sweeten the deal, you also hold the power to sway the Four Seas and the entire Chinese Triad in my favor.”
I stand across the table from the most powerful men in all of Manhattan, but I don’t tremble, I don’t waver beneath their intimidating glares, because there’s something I fear far more than the males sitting in front of me. Losing my husband.
“Why should we involve ourselves in a Gemini mess?” Jianjun Zhang glares at me from his seat at the head.
Hao Wei of the Golden Star sits beside him, twisting the end of his trailing white mustache. Lei Wang sits opposite the pair, scowling, still occupying the seat of my second. With all the drama, I haven’t had time to choose his replacement. Clearly, no one is excited about the emergency Council meeting I called a few hours ago.
“It is not simply a Gemini mess. I am the laodà of the Four Seas, and Marco Rossi is my husband. You all sat there and watched as I tied myself to the man only a few weeks ago. If you had such issue with it, you should have expressed your concerns then.”
A chorus of mutters explodes across the small room.
“What exactly do you expect us to do?” Jianjun asks.
“Whatever it takes to get him back.” I force my chin up and swallow down the emotion constricting my throat. Today, I must be strong. Today I am not a weeping wife, I am the laodà and the blood of the dragon runs through my veins.
“Do you have any idea who has abducted your husband?” Lei grits out the last word as if it’s physically painful. “Where are we to start?”
“We have a strong lead?—”
“We?” Hao Wei raises a silver brow.
I throw my thumb over my shoulder at my brother-in-law standing outside. “Nico Rossi and the Geminis; the ones you refused to allow entry to the meeting.”
“The Council is a sacred institution of the Triad,” Jianjun snaps. “It is not open to outsiders.” He folds his hands in front of him, forcing that mask of calm.
“Well, those outsiders have answers that will affect all of us.”
“What are you getting at?” Hao Wei asks.
“La Sombra Boricua has been creeping into our territories, as silent as their namesake, sowing seeds of discord, uniting our enemies, and preparing to move against all of us. Esmeralda lost control of her followers stateside, and Blanca Alvarez is stepping in. Her family is one of the most ruthless cartels in Colombia.”
“So you believe they are the ones behind your husband’s capture?” Jianjun mutters.
“Yes, we are certain.” I pull Marco’s cell from my pocket, and my fingers tighten around it as if I could somehow hold onto him. “We were able to trace the phone, then the location from which the message was sent. It’s a remote spot along the western coast of Puerto Rico.”
“And you expect us to travel outside the country to find your husband?” Lei barks.
“No!” I shout right back.
He stands, snarling. “We already scoured the streets all day and night at your beck and call.”