At least, I assume that’s what a slumber party would look like. Never been to one. And I’d wager females would have a very different experience than males, even if I did have a baseline to compare it to.
Kri taps me on the back of my arm. “You owe me for this.” She grimaces as her eyes scan the room. “I should have brought Val. She loves this shit.”
Beside her, Marley, another female Redleg guard, chuckles into her hand. “It’s gonna be so fun, Kri. You’ll see. Girl time is the best time.”
From the corner of my eye, I notice Kri feign a gag.
“I just threw up in my mouth,” she mutters, drawing an honest-to-goodness laugh from me.
Lettie hears it and whips her head around to find me, her lips rising at the corners. There’s a hint of mischievousness in her eyes I didn’t think I’d see for a long time.
Bringing Stella here was a good fucking idea. I’ll let myself be proud of that for a minute.
Not only is she happier, she feels safe enough to let me slip out for an hour or two. Shep is outside waiting for me. Josh and Henderson are on perimeter duty, while Kri and Marley will be inside with the ladies.
Although Kri isn’t back at full strength yet, she’ll help keep Lettie comfortable. With the other three guards here, I have no concerns about Lettie’s safety.
She’s in good hands.
So why is it so damn hard to leave?
Buying myself a bit more time, I ask, “Who is watching Val tonight, Kri?”
“Junior, Aaron, and Jonesy.”
My head kicks back. “A bit of overkill, isn’t it?”
She gives me a glare sharp enough to cut metal. “When I want parenting advice, I’ll ask.”
Annnd... that’s enough people for me for tonight.
“I’m gonna bug out. Call me if there’s any problems or if she seems like she’s getting upset. Okay? Don’t let her be alone. Not even in a room by herself. If she needs to go to the bathroom, just wait outside the door. Don’t make her feel bad about it. It’s not her fault she’s jumpy.”
Kri crosses her arms at her chest and purses her lips. “You told me already. I might still be recovering from a TBI, but I’m not in a coma anymore.”
“Oh, stop that, grouchy face,” Marley chides her.
“Shut up, Black Widow,” Kri quips back at Marley, who is decked out in head-to-toe black leather.
Marley brushes against Kri’s shoulder and snort-laughs. She gives me a run for my money in the weird department.
Shaking them off, I march over to the back of the couch, hovering above Lettie. After kissing her on the head, I whisper, “Call me if you need anything, sugar bear. I won’t be gone long.”
“Hold on a second.” She sets her water down on the coffee table. “Excuse me, girls. I’ll be right back. Don’t fall in love with each other until I return. I want to witness the magic for myself. I’ve been fantasizing about this moment for far too long.” Lettie rises and shuffles around the couch.
“She’s hot and all, Lettie, but I’m not gay,” Freya quips, then glances at me. “And you better not say shit otherwise.”
Palms out, I back away from that conversation. Literally. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Not touching that with rubber gloves and a fifty-foot pole. What happens at Bask, stays at Bask.
Like that time she and Jesse had a pussy eating competition in the main room. His pride still hasn’t recovered. I’ll never go head to head with her.
Don’t read into the unintentional pun. It’s not like I’ve suddenly developed a personality.
Lettie grabs my hand and leads me toward the kitchen. Once we’re out of earshot and view from the rest of the group, she backs me up toward the refrigerator and cages me in.
She. Cages. Me. In.