“You are not allowed to get yourself in trouble tonight, ya hear me? No killin’. No shootin’. None of that mess. Got it?” Her southern twang is rich with velvet authority.
I’m too shocked to speak, so I simply nod.
While she can be bratty and stubborn, she’s never domineering. And this move screams she’s in control. Not gonna lie, it’s more arousing than I would have guessed it would be.
Didn’t think I could ever be a switch but...
Nah. I’m not.
It’s just Lettie.
My hands settle around her waist, pulling her to me. Slowly, I lower my face to hers like an offering. She responds immediately, rising to her toes and capturing my mouth.
When our lips touch, she moans faintly. The enticing sound goes straight to my rapidly hardening dick.
As our tongues twirl and tease, she clamps her hands over my shoulders to hold me in place. My need to take charge returns with a vengeance as I get wrapped up in my Lettie. Taking the reins, I cup her cheeks and angle her head to deepen the kiss. My heart rate picks up, and my cock pulses with need.
I ache for more of these simple moments. Each time we’re able to brush aside the trauma for a precious minute, it’s as if another bandage is applied to my battle-weary soul, helping the wounds heal. More than anything, I hope it does the same for her.
She must notice my growing erection because she begins grinding against it, causing more blood to surge south. Withdrawing from the kiss, she catches my lower lip with her teeth, tugging it slightly before releasing it. Little vixen.
Her eyes flutter open, trapping me under her spell.
I’d do anything for this woman.
“No killin’,” she states again, raising her brows and waiting for me to agree.
“Just intel gathering, baby. That’s all. I promise.”
Fuck. I just lied to her.
Quickly, I amend, “That is... unless we need to do more. But I’m not leaving with the intention of killing anyone tonight.”
And that’s the truth. It’s not my primary objective.
But I do plan to fuck some shit up.
She narrows her sapphire eyes at me, looking as cute as a button. “And keep your friend out there with you. No lone dog thing.”
“Lone wolf?” I ask.
“Whatever you call it. I’ll have none of it.”
I give her a peck on the lips. Then another.
“I promise. No killing or shooting. And I’ll keep Shep with me.”
“Good boy,” she teases with a flirty wink and pats my cock over my pants.
Damn. Stella’s only here for a few hours, and it’s already bringing out a whole new side of my girl.
“With the gals and guards hangin’ around, I don’t reckon I’ll be fallin’ asleep. That being said...”
“Reckon?” I tease.
She wrinkles her nose. “Stella brings it out in me.”