Page 90 of Unexpected Heroine

Tomer adds, “I ordered something, sugar. No worries.”

Oh thank Hank.

My pulse slows.

Stella finally finds her voice again and hollers toward the front door. “Later, Reacher. Thanks for the lift.”

After passing the little brown box off to Tomer, Jonesy closes the door without another word.

Stella’s bangs flutter across her forehead from the force of her exhale. “I can’t believe I said that to his face.”

“I told you playing smash or pass all the time was gonna catch up to you,” I tease, enjoying the abrupt return of levity.

“Did you know he was a Navy Seal?” she asks between chuckles.

“I’ve never really met him before. But most of the people where he works,” I flip my thumb at Tomer, “are former special ops.”

Stella’s face loses the mirth. “Oh. We know where he works now, do we?”

Suddenly, I grow defensive of him.

This is the problem with telling your friends about issues in your relationship. They don’t get to hear about the thousands of good things. Only the handful of bad.

I’ll need to rectify that.

But first? Distraction.

“Well, let’s show you and your demon to your room.” I crook my neck to look at Tomer. “You said she was taking the shed out back, correct?”

He looks up from the partially opened package in utter confusion. “The shed?”

“Just kidding, babe. She can stay in the guest room. But the lizard goes in the garage, the shed, or let it loose outside. Oh yeah.” I clap and bob on my toes. “Let’s do that. Be one with nature, Pumpkin. You’re free. No need to return.”

Stella leans close to me, putting her fists on her hip. “Sleep with one eye open.”

“Already have been for the last several days,” I joke, then realize it’s not funny at all.

Her face falls, and she cups her mouth. “I’m sorry, Lettie. I wasn’t thinking.”

“And that’s why I need you here.” I blink to stop myself from spontaneously crying. “Because the two of us can barely do anything but think about it.”

Taking a deep breath, she fights off tears of her own. “If you need me to make you smile and take your mind off it, then that’s what I’ll do.”

“That’s exactly what I need.”

For a few seconds, we have a silent conversation of sorts.

She claps her hands, then rubs them together like she’s trying to start a fire. “Welp. Let’s get this comedy show on the road.” She overly embellishes her twang and looks up at Tomer. “I wonder if you’d be a dear and send some more of your coworkers on by. I don’t pay no mind to the flavor or variety. If they look half as good as Jack Reacher did, it’s a matter of time before I say somethin’ a fright more embarressin’ than smash.”

Chapter 17

Am I a switch?


Istand at the edge of my living room, feeling like a guest in my own home.

Freya arrived about fifteen minutes ago to join the girls. She, Stella, and Lettie are spread out around the living room like it’s a slumber party.