Page 41 of They Break Beauty

The intensity that had taken me over when we’d collided.

The thrill as well at the strange ease with which we’d fit together.

The physicality of it hadn’t been awkward at all. That was a hell of a thing considering what I was used to in that respect. Because of my issues when it came to being touched sexually it had always been really awkward for the first little while because the guys I’d been with didn’t know how to handle that sort of thing. Not even Tommy and he’d been there at the end of that nightmare, he’d been on the team that had burst in to rescue me—and Levi.

Urgh. Because of that asshole bringing all of that up again, I’d been having nightmares like I used to, for the last couple of nights, reliving it over and over again. The exact thing I hadn’t wanted, that I’d been guarding against for years.

And with one majorly intense confrontation, he’d ripped all of that right out from under me.

As only he could.

He was the only one who knew, that was why.

The only one who’d experienced it alongside me.

Well, the only one left alive, anyway.

I finished hiding the marks and stepped out of my apartment bathroom just as my phone buzzed on my bed.

I snatched it up, a smile spreading over my face, as I took in the message there.

Chloe: OMG! Thank you! My IG is blowing up! So many messages! So much exposure! You’re amazing, sweetie!

Brianna: Just hope it helps with your mom.

Chloe: It’s got one hell of a shot. Showing her when she gets home tonight.

Brianna: *crossing fingers emoji*

Chloe: *heart emoji*. TTYL.

I went to put my phone down when something stopped me.

I didn’t know what the hell it was.

Maybe the fact that I was out of sorts after barely getting a couple of hours’ worth of sleep last night? Maybe that bastard unearthing things I’d thought I’d long buried?

Either way, whatever it was, it had me reading over the texts that had come in from Levi Knight last night—a whole twenty-four hours since I’d poured water all over him before hightailing it out of his swanky mansion.

He’d somehow gotten my number—not just from Colton. No, he’d actually managed to save his number into my freaking phone!

I’d run one of my security programs to try to determine interference, but it had turned up nothing.

It didn’t mean there wasn’t any, because obviously for him to have entered in his number there was. What it really meant was much worse—it meant his skills were off the charts. Better than mine.

As if that bastard wasn’t dangerous enough without having those abilities.

I mean, I’d known he’d been studying Computer Science at Stonewell U, but not all students had an insane level of hacking ability. It wasn’t as though it was a given.

Anyway, I had other ways to determine that sort of thing and once I figured out how he’d done it and which methods he’d used, I could then create a program to keep him out in the future.

It was just a matter of time, unfortunately.

For the time being, I’d altered his name in my contact list to something much more appropriate.

I chuckled to myself as I took it in, just before I read over his messages.

Hell Spawn: Still got your marks on my thigh. Is that how you’ll grab my cock when the time comes?