Hell Spawn: Keep picturing your little ass grinding back on me. Those sexy whimpers are stuck in my head and on permanent repeat. Next time, you’ll give me your screams.
A shudder rolled through me, just like had happened last night.
If only it was merely a shudder of revulsion. It would all be so much simpler.
Urgh. Stop looking at it.
I actually deleted both messages, then took in the time.
Crap. I was already running late as it was.
I’d missed my first class. Me? I was always punctual and on top of everything. I took my classes seriously. I knew how fortunate I was that I was actually able to do this and go to college, living my life free in this way, given my tumultuous background and insane upbringing. I didn’t take that for granted and I got everything that I could out of it.
But because of those nightmares, I’d ended up sleeping in.
And if I didn’t hurry and get in my car within the next ten minutes, I’d end up missing another class too.
I was just about to grab my coat off the hook by the front door, along with my messenger bag, when my phone buzzed again in my hand.
Expecting it to be another quick text from Chloe, I was startled to see that it was him again.
Hell Spawn: I know you’re reading my messages. I don’t like being ignored. If you’re too skittish to respond to the fun ones, how about you give me that apology you owe me? You know, for drenching me in ice-cold water?
Brianna: You deserved it. No apology for you.
Hell Spawn: Ah, there you are. Knew you wouldn’t be able to resist that one.
Brianna: We’re done here then. Stop texting me or I’ll block you.
Hell Spawn: That won’t stop me.
Brianna: Then your own sense of decency should.
Hell Spawn: Not something I possess.
Brianna: Find yourself another obsession. This is already getting old.
And it was already beginning to impact me.
In ways I didn’t want to admit to either.
Hell Spawn: Yeah? Shame, because I’m just getting started.
Brianna: There’s nothing here for you and there will never be.
Hell Spawn: The way you reacted to my teasing the other day proved otherwise.
Brianna: Get over yourself. Like I said, it could’ve been anybody.
Hell Spawn: For someone with so many walls up and wholly intent on self-preservation, you’d think you’d know better than to provoke me.
Brianna: You should worry about provoking me. I’ve been trying to let you down nicely.
Hell Spawn: Because you don’t want any trouble.