Page 60 of Dust to Dust

A lecherous smirk curved on his lips. “What if I gave you five thousand dollars to let me put my hands wherever I wanted to?”

“F-Five t-thousand?” I stammered.

He nodded. “I’ll make it twenty thousand if you let me put my dick wherever I want.”

Although momentarily tempted by the large amount of money, revulsion quickly reverberated through me. I could never, ever cross that line and be able to live with myself.

With a shake of my head, I replied, “I’m sorry. But that goes against the club’s rules, and I like this job too much to risk it.”

While I expected him to be angry, he merely chuckled. “You’re a good manipulator.”

“That’s not what I’m doing.”

“Oh yes, it is.”

“Remove your hand.”

Undeterred he said, “What’ll it take to let me fuck you? Fifty thousand?”

I shook my head. “I’m sorry. But there isn’t any amount that would make me change my principles.”

“Is the innocence all an act, or are you truly so unfucked?”

Warmth flooded my cheeks. “I’m not acting.”

“So you’re really that innocent?” When I nodded, he shut his eyes in exaggerated bliss. “Fuck me. That’s so sexy.” His eyes popped open to pin me with an intense stare. “Tell me, Good Girl. Have you ever taken it up the ass?”

Glancing over my shoulder, I tried signaling Dowe. To my horror, the doorway was empty. Breathe, Isla. Just breathe. He can’t be that far away. All you have to do is scream.

His hand slid back up to grip my throat only this time he added his other hand. “I asked you a question.”

“Your question was inappropriate, and I’m not answering it,” I wheezed out.

“Mm, that tells me exactly what I want to know about your virgin ass.”

As unease continued pricking along my skin, I started sliding off his lap. “Okay. I’m ending the dance.”

His eyes darkened to a soulless black. “I didn’t come.”

As I began backing away from him, I forced a shaky smile to my face. “I know, and I’m sorry. Since it’s all my fault, I will tell the house to comp this dance.” When his jaw flexed, I quickly added, “I can also offer you a few comp drinks as well.”

Like a cobra, he launched forward to grab me by the waist. Before I could fight back, he slung me down on the couch so hard I bounced. It jarred me so badly that for a moment I couldn’t move. Dumbstruck, I merely stared up at the ceiling–my heart beating wildly in my ears.

Before I could try to get away, he straddled me. At the feel of his weight on my body, my faculties came back to me, and I began to thrash my arms and legs.

And then both of his hands came around my throat.

“Help! Please help!” I screamed before his grip cut off my oxygen. I dug my nails into the skin on his hands, scratching and clawing until wetness pooled on them and a metallic rush entered my nose.

“You cunt!” he snarled.

As he continued to choke me, panic raged in my mind. Unless someone stopped him, he was going to kill me. I would be snatched away from Brooke and Henry.

No, no, I couldn’t leave them! They needed me too much. I had to stay. I had to fight for them.

Please, please, help me!

Then as darkness began to shadow my vision, an image of Quinn flashed before me. Memories of his touch and his lips on mine swirled like foggy wisps through my mind. I didn’t want to leave him either.